Remembering that the Haudenosaunee are said to be the origin of principles included in the US Constitution that don’t appear to rest on a foundation of capitalism but rather on a foundation of free enterprise as pertains to but are not limited to financial matters, hope continues that culture as lived pre-colonization can triumph. Time will tell. Meanwhile, Upstate NY is benefiting, so far, from said leadership. The hope builds that we remember nature and the wilderness.
https://mailchi.mp/oneida-nation/oneida-indian-nation-report-march-2021-nation-partnering-with-oneida-county-on-vaccine-distribution-4964933?e=164b4d6ef1 —
As part of its grand opening preparations, The Cove at Sylvan Beach has partnered with businesses throughout the region, including Off the Muck Market, Oneida Lake Marina, River Rock Dock, Utica Coffee Roasting Co. and more. These partnerships reflect the Oneida Indian Nation’s continued investment in Sylvan Beach and Upstate New York and its commitment to the region’s economic success.–end of oneidanation info–
That civil rights ideas demand attention in governance for diversity according to race and gender doesn’t also suggest the quality of the candidate should be ignored, but often is. Two guests on C-Span reminded that in the person of guest Diana Furchtgott, for example, who seemed to promote the fossil fuel industry due to promotion of the economy, ignored the national security threat of Climate Change promoted by use of fossil fuels.
https://www.c-span.org/video/?517770-5/washington-journal-debbie-walsh-discusses-women-us-politics-today —
Washington Journal
Debbie Walsh on Women in U.S. Politics Today
Debbie Walsh, director of Rutgers University Center for American Women and Politics, talked about women in U.S. politics today.–end of c-span info–
—end of c-span info–
Guest Diana Walsh spoke of women in politics from a perspective that was Establishment friendly. This is a type of familiar, shall we say Hillary speak, in which a woman draws from the chauvinism against women to promote a position while supporting the same capitalistic hierarchical Establishment system that benefits from exploitation of others. An example from the mouth of Diana Walsh—9:50AM—-in answer to a caller expressing concern over money in politics—paraphrase—-politicians serve because they care; not for the money they receive because their pay is so minimal…………….Really?……https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_current_members_of_the_United_States_Congress_by_wealth
But then politicians seem to be highly adroit in their stock market choices……..
But greed and corruption aren’t the topic here. The topic is use of gender and race as a campaign strategy rather than to judge a person by the content of their character, to coin a phrase.
https://twitter.com/RedactedTonight/status/1493630181625548809 –Western media glorifies Ukrainian Nazi sniper for killing Russian speakers–end of leecamp info–
Hierarchy has created a Pyramid-Scheme economy as though that is vital. So how is the world’s people faring under this presumption?
US politicians have been rabid in economic globalism unless somebody else tries it—–https://portside.org/2022-02-14/pipeline-politics-and-ukraine-crisis –Amid escalating tensions between the United States, NATO and Russia, all eyes are on Ukraine. Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland describes it as “a struggle between democracy and authoritarianism.” But Nord Stream 2, a pipeline built to bring Russian gas under the Baltic Sea directly to Germany, is an integral part of the story.–end of portside info–
An ability or at least a consideration of freeing one’s mind sufficiently for original thought could also be valuable. —-https://psyche.co/ideas/ancient-indian-texts-reveal-the-liberating-power-of-metaphysics?utm_source=Aeon+Newsletter&utm_campaign=7114f0244b-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_02_14_05_38&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_411a82e59d-7114f0244b-70464341 —As their frustration grew, India’s ancient inhabitants became obsessed with a new goal: changing our minds so as to alter the very nature of life and improve it from the bottom up. Mental disciplines became all the rage: outsider ascetics developed an arduous new concentration meant to purify the mind into a single, undistracted stream of consciousness… and yoga was born. A young prince named Siddhartha Gautama gave up his inheritance and taught a way to deconstruct the ego and its desires, becoming the Buddha.Places like Athens and Alexandria, and the Silk Road cities of India and China, were idea-markets peddling possible ways to transform oneself–end of opsyche info—-Or as they say, think outside the box…
A reason for hope based on inclusion of Indigenous perspectives is possible because a people who have retained their culture in the face of colonial genocide may have something to teach. Time will tell.
But Indigenous people around the world have retained semblances of culture before the take over due to the greed and exploitation from imperialism. Hierarchical exploitation isn’t a new phenomenon and Establishment isn’t a new method by which to exploit. An example of exploring the depths is on display in The Secret Teachings of John. This seems to be drawn from the Naq Hammadi library. https://religion.fsu.edu/person/matthew-goff/conferences/nag-hammadi-codices-and-the-dead-sea-scrolls
The economics of capitalism have little to nothing to do with said ideas, and should be treated as such.
The idea of money that promotes military action in foreign nations should be considered as politicians use the excuse of democracy in Ukraine to promote their personal financial interests in industries such as, for example, the fossil fuel industry. One listened this week to a media interview with a Ukrainian woman who was asked whether she is frightened with the threat of a Russian attack. Her answer was—paraphrase—-no, we all will be faced with death. there’s nothing I can do about that but I can live my life in dignity.
We can remember Ukrainians “living life in dignity” rather than succumb to the indoctrination by capitalists vying for property.
Received from popularresistance—-https://mailchi.mp/popularresistance/j6t9unrm6e?e=1b0a9c0541 —
Cost Of Living Protesters Around The Country Say Enough Is Enough
Ottawa Under Right-Wing Occupation: Progressives Push Back
Ottawa Trucker Protests Do Not Represent The Working Class
–end of popularresistance info–
Received from MRonline—-https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?e=2833cdb99b&u=36ce609ae68971b4f060ad9c7&id=76759ec236 —
“My pink socialism became red as a wound”: Impossible interview from Ukraine
‘Thank you for hearing our Afghan pain’
When cruelty is the point – U.S. decides to kill more Afghan people
–end of mronline info–
US wars are usually predicated with “spreading democracy around the world”, but why was the USA left out of democracy, and how’d it go for the average person around the world——
https://sgp.fas.org/crs/natsec/R42738.pdf –Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2021 Updated September 8, 2021–end of sqp info–
Anyone who believes the Paranashad is fantasy should consider US foreign policy.
The media-proclaimed historian who recently criticized the language of Lee Camp, has so far not articulated this bit of history as has Lee Camp—-https://twitter.com/LeeCamp/status/1493573772292632577 –Spent on last election:- Germany $110 million- UK $54 million- Canada $477 million- US $14.4 Billion –end of lee camp info–
We deserve better. https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press-releases/league-refuses-help-perpetrate-fraud–LEAGUE REFUSES TO “HELP PERPETRATE A FRAUD”
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