Drawing out an idea that would otherwise harm a long-time and successful shoe repair shop that is still in demand after 50 years, one wonders at the fatuous approach by our leaders.

A local TV news show that is thoroughly vita has reported about this..  It also seems to be a story that comes with a solution.

Shoe repair shops recounts their 50 years in business in the Binghamton Plaza

Shoe repair shop recounts its 50 years in business in the–

—-end of wbng info———-

History will remind us of an important origin of the industrial base in our the region.  That is Endicott-Johnson Corporation that set up a model of respectable treatment of people, and is responsible for the rather large number of immigrants including Eastern European, Irish, Jewish, and Italian.  The comaraderie has made comfortable the public to recognize the value of newer immigrants who continue to call The Southern Tier home.  This is not to overlook the Native culture, that continues to thrive.

One mentioned that said shoe repair shop, in recognition of a model employer of 100 years ago in the corporation called Endicott-Johson, could be the hub of an interesting village within The Southern Tier.

Again the local TV news station WBNG today aired a report called “Around The Tier: powerless”.  The subject was fires caused largely vegetation that overgrows power lines that are predominantly the cause of house fires.  This tragedy could be mitigated by roof top solar systems, it seems.

Upon building a small village on the site of the Binghamton Plaza, the buildings can be quaint appearing while being state-of-the-art.  This includes energy-efficient small homes, because small homes are most efficient and frees human beings from extraordinary time-consumption to maintain McMansions.

The shops themselves can be reminiscent of leisure. 

Around the Tier: Food Trends, provided ideas for small gourmet shops.  One recalls of time in Binghamton probably 65 years ago, when one could find small ice cream shops and lovely nut and candy shops.  

Included could be a laundromat and grocery store within the village.

One would suggest presence of law enforcement of the type of Johnson City, NY who seem trained to protect and serve rather than the storm-trooper type of. for example, ‘Binghamton, NY following instructions from head-knockers.  One’s personal opinion has run rampant.

Also, a large number of short trees could be helpful (perhaps including a lawn care business), so solar panels wouldn’t be blocked and the lawn care person could remove snow and do odd jobs.

This doesn’t mean politicians couldn’t have their photo-op status mega projects to include in their campaign adds.  Nor does imply the wealthy couldn’t enjoy their McMansions if spending their time and energy supporting a house rather than living a life.

But this could provide for the Middle Class, probably empty nesters and retires, a welcome respite from obligation other than life.

Due to the high-tech character this probably isn’t low-income housing project.

And because it is the problem of our times it is only getting worse, there is Climate Change.

The simplification and quality improvement of lifestyle, high efficiency homes of reasonable size only makes sense.  The money savings is also a refreshing benefit.

And by the way, one must mention the news report that said a police officer, corralling a runaway sheep, chose to taze it. We have indeed reached troubled times.

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