FREE ENTERPRISE ISN’T CAPITALISM–Disappointment with Mayor Kraham originates with his prioritizing wealthy developers over the 50-year long business leaders in The Southern Tier who exhibited the true spirit of Free Enterprise rather than the Pyramid-Scheme tactics of hierarchical capitalism.

Without the sordid crutch of nepotism and cronyism that has become the wallpaper of local politics, true business leaders launched honorable careers in the face of the wind of corruption and self-interest.  Add to this that business leaders launched said careers perhaps before the birth of Mayor Kraham simply adds to the distaste for a roiling ol’ boy network.–

BINGHAMTON (WBNG) — A shoe repair shop located at Binghamton Plaza has been keeping customers happy for more than a half-century. And with the building at the plaza set to be torn down, the shop said it still has no plans of stopping.

Tim and Philomena Harris owned their business, “Leather Corner Shoe Repair Shop” since 1972. The two are a married couple and run the shop together.–end of businessleader info–

This isn’t at all about the future of the Binghamton Plaza that has seen better days.  One is unconcerned with what hierarchy arrives at to further promote their wealth and power.

This is about the customary and subtle abuse of long-established local norms and people, that seem to have become the toy for hierarchy.

We have seen this in the incomprehensible promotion and support for the baseball stadium in which few locals are truly interested.  More obviously the locals enjoy local businesses such as low-key and non-corporate sponsored fairs and festivals. 

An especially evil development project that split up and nearly broke the spirit of local culture was the highway projects than run through the heart of Broome County and separate neighbor from neighbor.  Also the housing projects of the ’60’s scattered local neighbors into depressing and isolating high rises and cubicles that undermined local lifestyle.

Meanwhile our ol’-boy network in bureaucracy and politics raked in the profits in the form of Citizens United campaign donations.  When lawmakers profit by doing the bidding of big-money interests puppet masters, corruption follows, and then organized crime.

To get back to Free Enterprise local business leaders who are the backbone of our economy, to watch the treatment by hierarchical capitalists is disturbing.  With the money flying around Establishment, surely they can mitigate the insult to Free Enterprise by ensuring the actual local business leaders aren’t left on the trash heap of The Binghamton Plaza development project.  FACTually speaking, this integrity could help to uplift the local community, if Mayor, Jr. cares.

I have indeed over several decades been a customer of the Harris leather shop.  Treatment in that establishment has always been far superior to that of chains, where…and not to denigrate youth….leaves one feeling equally as dumped on a trash heap as must feel some Free Enterprise business owners.

But attitude of Superiority is almost a prerequisite to capitalistic education in which youngsters are taught what to think rather than how to think.  Mayor, Mr. may be so afflicted.

We could begin by recognizing that Free Enterprise is not capitalism.  Capitalism is frighteningly similar to Pyramid Scheme.  A thoughtful educational system could so suggest, so youngsters could have choices about who they wish to be.

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