Climate Change caused by industry seems generally ubiquitously accepted as FACT. Also generally ubiquitously accepted as FACT is the corruption in our Supreme Court.
One hasn’t specifically heard reported whether or not Neal Gorsuch recused himself as an honorable judge would do, due to the anti-environmental vehemence of Mother Gorsuch.
Anne Gorsuch, a former chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, cut a flamboyant, defiant figure in early 1980s Washington as she slashed air and water quality regulations.
She fought with environmentalists, was held in contempt by Congress and eventually resigned under pressure from the Ronald Reagan White House that had championed her. Her memoir was, appropriately, entitled: “Are You Tough Enough?”
Her son Neil Gorsuch, a Supreme Court justice since 2017, has shown his own brand of defiance and anti-regulatory fervor.
—end of Supreme Court info–
The mire of mud in which the US government wallows is disgusting. Judges are mandated to avoid the appearance of bias. We are so far past that guideline as to have traveled the road of “running government like a business” that becomes organized crime.
We need better leaders than we have recently voted into office. That is a reason I am deciding between Jill Stein of the Green Party or Cornel West.