As one not personally interested in the Bowman/Latimer primary in NYS, one takes exception as a matter of principle on the Israeli continuing influence on the politics of the USA.  AIPAC is said to have heavily financed the Latimer campaign, apparently as a challenge to the Bowman support for Palestinians.

It isn’t a coincidence, one suggests, that racism on more than one level is suspected.

South African activist Salim Vally: ‘Israel’s regime is worse than Apartheid’

For a long time, Israel was allowed to act with impunity and without restraint.

But we are starting to see changes we would not have thought possible a few years ago. Primarily in the US, but also in Germany and some other European countries, there are cracks and fissures starting to show.

For example, sanctions are now on the cards for many countries and even United Nations’ agencies. Malaysia has refused to allow Israeli-flagged cargo ships to dock in its ports. Namibia has sanctioned the sale of diamonds to Israel. So, things are changing.

Something similar happened with South Africa.

The first call for a boycott campaign against Apartheid was made as early as 1959.

But it was only when dockworkers in Liverpool started refusing to load and unload South African goods; when supermarket workers in Ireland started refusing to handle South African products; when people in New Zealand started to protest against touring South African sporting teams, that governments started to change their positions.

Today, the hard work of activists throughout the world has enabled us to make very rapid gains.

Of course, this has come at a huge price for Palestinians. And we still have much work to do. The reality today looks very grim — as it did in the ’80s in my country.

How valid are comparisons between Israel and Apartheid South Africa?

The first thing to note is that the extent and brutality of the Israeli regime is much more staggering than that of Apartheid South Africa — which is saying a lot.

The difference [is] Israel feels it can dispose of the Palestinian people whereas the South African apartheid regime could not do that with South African workers, because they needed to super exploit their labour in order to accumulate capital.

At the same time, there are many points of commonality.

For example, Apartheid South Africa was a settler colonial formation formed by Europeans and initially overseen by British imperialism, just like Israel.

There are also clear similarities between the 65-odd pieces of discriminatory legislation in Israel that govern all aspects of everyday life with what existed under apartheid in South Africa.

All of this has led a number of organisations to conclude that systemic and widespread discriminatory Israeli policies and practices against Palestinians amount to a violation of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.

[However], in her September 2022 report to the UN General Assembly on human rights in the occupied territories, UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese speaks to some limits of the apartheid framework.

For example, she notes that recent reports on Israeli apartheid exclude the experience of Palestinian refugees. She says recognition of Israeli apartheid must address the experience of the Palestinian people in its entirety, including those who were displaced in 1947‒48.

–end of green news info–

As we consider logically and honestly, the topic of racism, we must include such word salads as promoted by, for example, NYS Rep Molinari as he who possibly gained donor dollars byway of AIPAC and/or their associates, to pass laws to label those directly injured by racism and Apartheid that is still a thing, that will label those objecting to such racism, along with oligarch inspired wars, as antisemitic.  Apparently to label one as antisemitic will throw them into the clutches of Homeland Security the better to label said anti-war and anti-racist protesters, as terrorists. 

After labeling as a terrorists, the wheels are greased for persecution and prosecution by law enforcement.  The process is subtle, but well enacted by political cronies.

House Speaker Mike Johnson to travel to Binghamton for event with Rep. Molinaro

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., will travel to Binghamton Thursday for an event with Republican U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro focused on law enforcement funding and public safety. 

The Thursday meeting will be at the Broome County Sheriff’s Office and is said to feature sheriff’s deputies, neighboring law enforcement, other first responders and families. 

Johnson’s trip comes as Molinaro seeks reelection in the 19th Congressional District. Broome County is the most-populous county there and could play a large role in in the upcoming election. Molinaro is being challenged by Democrat Josh Riley, who is from Endicott, a village just outside Binghamton. Molinaro flipped the seat in 2022, defeating Riley by about 4,500 votes. 

New congressional lines approved by the New York State Independent Redistricting Commission last week could change the makeup of the congressional district. Data compiled by CUNY Mapping Service shows the district could go from a +5% Biden district to +1% Biden district, potentially giving Molinaro a boost. The maps still need to be approved by the Democratic-controlled state Legislature.

–end of spectrum info–

Jamaal Bowman’s challenger is the Cher of suburban New York–Latimer’s additional edge over Bowman comes from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, that’s flooded the airwaves with more than $12 million in ads attacking the far-left firebrand for being out of step with mainstream Democrats. Bowman has tried to counter the hits by saying that AIPAC gets contributions from Republican megadonors.

–end of politico info—–

This feels like a jarringly transparent glimpse into American government that seems to have been infiltrated by the Israeli government.  This isn’t an antisemitic observation, but more strongly raises notions of racism, White Supremacy, and patriarchy.  If one didn’t know better, one would suspect the USA is still a colony.

Laws passed to censor critique of governments is deeply troubling and obvious.  Dictatorship is suspected

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