Double talk could be detected as the C-Span guest, expert Dr. Anand Parckh, denigrated the notion of universal health care because, he insinuated, the corporate-friendly ACA/Obamacare is working better, while also urging Americans to remember the qualities and benefits of Primary Care.  How is this perceived as double talk?  The language is soothingly that of capitalistic hierarchical Establishment that promotes the requirement for players to “claw their way up the ladder of success” for profiteering, that specifically negates a dedicated medical industry to offer the less expensive and so less lucrative primary care.  And so the bait-and-switch continues.  Try again, Dr. Parckh; some people are listening.  And yes we do need a more humanity-friendly universal heath care system.

https://www.c-span.org/video/?534237-5/dr-anand-parekh-health-care-campaign-2024&live  –


Washington Journal

Dr. Anand Parekh on Health Care and Campaign 2024

Dr. Anand Parekh talked about the role of health care issues in campaign 2024.

Anand Parekh M.D. | C-SPAN.org

—end of anandparekh info–

On C-Span a caller expressed ideas that the USA would benefit from a less compromised cadre of leaders.  Compromised status is firmly ensconced in the laws (we are a nation of laws), put in place by criminally-compromised legislators byway of Citizens United, predicated upon corporate instruction.  Pro-democratic (small d) ideas could be sunlight in dark corners, if the USA had a system of training for young leaders based on civics understanding.  Just now these characters appear to “lead” according to greed and gluttony.  

In FACT, we do have such a system of training in our institutions of higher learning, called university, that have cynically eschewed notions of a classical education in order to embrace the corporate-friendly indoctrination into capitalism.

A classical education trains into the nuances of humanity instead of gluttony and greed.  This can open a door into the ideas that include integrity, rather than the rabid self-interest we now have.

Consider the following- Ownership: Early Christian Teaching

– Charles Avila’s important retrieval of patristic texts reminds us that the ‘option for the poor’ is not a new theological fad, but an ancient Christian legacy. Joe Holland, Center of Concern, Washington, D.C. Charles Avila has provided an important recovery of the patristic teachings on wealth and poverty and has shown that a Christian theology of stewardship must be rooted in an ethic of economic justice. Rosemary Radford Ruether, Carpenter Professor of Feminist Theology, Pacific School of Religion This book is a rich anthology of a stream of Christianity which offers a striking vision of what the Redemption ought to imply normatively for a Christian-inspired organization of economic and social life. Prophetic reminders of basic truths about wealth and poverty are never out of date. Denis Goulet, Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame At long last, here is a book from a Christian and Asian voice of the Third World who rediscovers and re-echoes afresh for our times the prophetic, undiluted, and revolutionary patristic thought on property – a well-kept secret until now – a voice that speaks with a ‘bite’ to the rich and powerful on behalf of the millions of landless, propertyless victims of injustice.

–end of ownership info–

One recalls simple local craft fairs that popped up about 50 years ago.  These were organized and run by local artists.  They were absolutely delightful.  One wonders if they even happened without bureaucratic approval or licensing.  But then they began to change.  One began to find signs outside of booths advertising corporate sponsorship, that insinuated a bitter taste of control outside the sphere of the artist.

A C-Span caller to Dr. Parekh mentioned the local clinics for health care that were Primary.  Dr. Parehk acknowledged that this would be beneficial.  Consider that “community organizer” Obama seems at one point to have supported such local health clinics.  But then came the Presidential election.  He consider whether to take PAC money, and decided in the affirmative.  And so we have Obamacare/ACA, a pro-specialist system of corporate-profit health care.  One’s disappointment in the “community organizer” told of character.  And as they say of Obama, everybody else does it, why shouldn’t he?…Indeed….

How long can a nation maintain, devoid of principles?  I guess we’ll see.  One is too old for this to matter.

When “a good man with a gun simply won’t cut it”, one hopes these women are around in my time of need.  —Women pinned cougar during ‘hand-to-hand combat’ to save friend trapped in its jaws

Bergere expressed gratitude to her fellow riders.

“I know for a fact I would be dead if they didn’t come back in, I would just be gone,” she told KING. “That cougar had me.”

end of aol info—-

Knights in shining armor may not appear.

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