Black History Month includes the validity of a realistic trip down memory lane.
The “good man with a gun” theory needs to be readdressed. More guns may not be the answer; though more good men is a good idea.— BURNSVILLE, Minn. (AP) — A suburban Minneapolis community was in mourning on Monday after authorities said two police officers and a firefighter were killed by a heavily armed man who shot at them from inside a home that was filled with children.
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PBS NewsHour | The often misunderstood legacy of the Black Panther Party | Season 2024 | PB
Sunday evening PBS presented a discussion with Donna Murch that is critical. The story of the Black Panthers from a time when extraordinary governmental imperialism by the USA was inflicted around the globe with detrimental impact upon particularly the youngsters of We The People; not to mention against foreign-nation-local communities was the story of the ’60’s.
We need to find the FACTS behind the ‘splaining by capitalistic hierarchical Establishment about this era. Donna Murch offers views from which a starting conversation can take place. The USA government needs to explain itself, not to mention the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment that maintained a highly questionable system.
Murch, Donna —
Donna Murch is associate professor of history at Rutgers University, where she is chapter president of the New Brunswick chapter of Rutgers AAUP AFT. Her newest book, Assata Taught Me: State Violence, Racial Capitalism, and the Movement for Black Lives was published by Haymarket Books in March 2022. In October 2010, Murch published Living for the City: Migration, Education and the Rise of the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California with the University of North Carolina Press, which won the Phillis Wheatley prize in December 2011. Professor Murch is currently completing a new trade press book entitled Crack in Los Angeles: Policing the Crisis and the War on Drugs. She has written for the Sunday Washington Post, Guardian, New Republic, Nation, Boston Review, Jacobin, Black Scholar, Souls, the Journal of Urban History, Journal of American History, Perspectives and New Politics and appeared on BBC, CNN, Democracy Now and in Stanley Nelson’s documentary, Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution and Sam Pollard’s MLK/FBI.
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One doesn’t support quasi-violence from the Black Panthers, which is quite meager as compared to the violence from the US government in our Vietnam War pitting capitalism against communism. It sounds like the ideology of the Black Panther Party was similar to that of MLK, Jr.. The non-violence emphasis by MLK, Jr. is more to one’s inclination; but it has also provided capitalistic hierarchical Establishment propaganda a certain license to misconstrue the nom-capitalism notions of MLK, Jr., in 2023. This drips with abject cynicism.
Within the discussion with Donna Murch on PBS, one heard without understanding the further misconstruing of the Black Panther Party within the movie Forrest Gump. Not being so much a movie oficionado due to exactly the obvious use of the entertainment industry by capitalism one isn’t familiar with this.
But such obscuring of historical reality is a part of our history in the USA.
Washington Journal: Peniel Joseph Discusses the Legacy of Malcolm X & Martin Luther King Jr.
Washington Journal
Peniel Joseph on the Legacy of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
University of Texas Austin’s Peniel Joseph discusses the lives and legacy of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King J
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It’s complicated, some people have noted. As one who watched live The Black Panthers, MLK, Jr., and Malcom X during their time and place, along with the atrocity of violation of women’s reproductive rights and the Vietnam War, one notices the pro-capitalist people who currently identify for popular advertising, with MLK, Jr., who they imply subtly was a capitalist.
According to the actual words from MLK, Jr., he was quite skeptical of using economy in place of justice. That comes down to the equity vs. equality conversation said pro-capitalists discuss in 2023, with straight faces, in the name of Christianity. We even watch our Presidential candidates presuming this discussion before crowds of evangelicals and in black churches. This is cynicism and propaganda of the most insulting style. –end of book info–
One notices a deeply cynical bait-and-switch between pro-capitalist use of the ideals of Christianity and the apparent ideals of Jesus, and wonders at the abuse of spiritual matters to this extent.
For those who lived during the time and place of the ’60’s, it is disturbing to be aware of the segregation from each other of the women’s movement, the civil rights movement, and notions about the Vietnam War. All violations of rights were predicated upon Capitalistic hierarchical Establishment mammon. The solidarity within those concerned with these topics needed to be segregated to be undermined or destroyed.
C-Span also included a discussion with a Reagan apologist. The callers brought up the reality of the Reagan movement such as the firing of the air-traffic control professionals, the Trickle-Down Theory, and the end of the welfare-to-work program. Someone actually brought up the income tax write-off of credit card interest and car-loan interest, that one also recalls with nostalgia.
Reagan’s time, like Trump’s, was a time of transfer of wealth from We The People to the wealthy oligarchs…some in the USA and too many from foreign nations. And yes, one does ref
Having just read a small and wonderful book on this very topic, from the view of Asian Christian theology, one notices the influence of Asian perspective that is recognized as genuine.
�[PDF] Asian Theology of Liberation by Aloysius Pieris | Perlego
�[PDF] Asian Theology of Liberation by Aloysius Pieris | PerlegoStart reading � Asian Theology of Liberation online and get access to an unlimited library of academic and non-… |
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Abuse of precepts of Christianity have been used as political campaign fodder by both branches of the D&R Duopoly. Money is the justification as spiritual progress for both political Parties.
One refers to Trump, Kushner, and the Saudi’s, if not Biden and Ukraine. The Biden is Hunter but tomato/tomoto….
The trip down memory lane has been revivifying, May everyone take said trip in order to gain perspective.
To watch Christianity that in the words of Jesus is specifically contrary to cash spewed from the mouths of said politicians should be noted. To recall that the capitalistic segregation of the solidarity from the ’60’s by hierarchical Establishment between the women’s movement, civil rights movements, and the anti-war movement is beyond Soviet-era propaganda.
We could discuss this for the sake of reality. One looks forward to a comprehensive rebuttal from capitalistic hierarchical Establishment.
One will accept an explanation from a Vietnam-era military character often watched on MSNBC, who “splained the youth of the ’60’s enthusiastically volunteered for the military. Left unexplained was that a volunteer action meant one could choose the Marine, Navy, or Air Force which were safer, than a draft into the Army where the danger was intense.
Research for yourself. Hierarchy may slant reality.