The good news is our association with nature by gift from The Creator. The bad news is we may have forgotten this. Halloween is a good time to remember our relations.
What does the mystery of the color blue in flowers have to do with Halloween? Not much, but who cares? It’s an enchanting topic accompanied by wonderful photos of blue flowers. –More people worldwide, by a range of 8-18% ahead of their second choice, claim blue as their favorite color. Yet there is very little blue pigment in nature. We see the sky as blue because the white light from the sun passes through water molecules that scatter the blue wavelengths, making them visible to us. Bodies of water are blue because they reflect the sky. There are only a scant handful of blue minerals, like sapphires and lapis lazuli. While there are a few blue fish and amphibians, there are no blue mammals; the blue whale is gray. The blue of butterflies and birds is not a pigment but rather structural components of feathers and wings that reflect blue wavelengths. The same is true of blue eyes. Only one butterfly genus, the Nesseae, has an actual blue pigment called pterobilin in the scales of its wings.
—end of thesouloftheearth info–
On the topic of blue on this ancient celebration of the natural/human world, consider the photo of this alluring little creature from wildhunt. The happy FACT is that humanity is more intriguing in affiliation with nature and wildlife as beings of The Creator than we are as economic units to support the financial priorities of hierarchical Establishment, bless their hearts. It’s only indoctrination that makes people forget this. –Attenborough’s considered words are as powerful to me now as they were then. Who will heed them?I believe we must consider what he has to say and redirect our national discussion from rights to responsibilities. We must spend less time venting about our legal right to think only of our individual wants and instead care more about the community’s needs.I hope that we can work together to heal the planet.–end of wildhunt into–The Reagan Trickle-Down Theory has been debunked by experience. Now is a good time to try democracy — –GNDfB programs can play a crucial role in realizing both the climate and the justice goals of the Green New Deal. They can build a constituency supporting a national Green New Deal. And they can serve as testing grounds and building blocks that can be linked together to form a Green New Deal that is more effective because it has strong local roots. Programs “from below” can reach out and coordinate with each other. They also can be coordinated with national level planning and investment. Some national Green New Deal proposals lay out policies and institutions through which such coordination can be promoted.–end of portside info–Capitalistic hierarchical Establishment has profited economically byway of Reagan’s debunked Trickle Down Theory. In FACT, nothing trickled down. An experiment is apt but needs to be trashed after it has proved its impotence. It is indeed time for We The People to remember our standing in our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic. For any who wish to deflect from reality by saying “we are not a democracy”, remember that democracy is action by citizens, not the government; and especially not a government “run like a business”. Civil rights are permitted by politicians, human and environmental rights are intrinsic to people and defy legislating away which are violations.PETITION to sign if you wish–To address Climate Change is important—- (Message from GretaThurnberg)–Humanity is failing to stop the climate crisis. It’s now beyond urgent — the planet is screaming for help.Right now world leaders are meeting for historic climate talks — but pledges without real action won’t cut it anymore. We need bold, visionary leaders to finally do what’s needed to pull us back from the abyss.I’ll be at the talks with inspiring youth leaders like Vanessa Nakate and Dominika Lasota. We’ll personally meet dozens of governments — it’s the perfect opportunity to deliver a giant call for urgent action. Join us now: add your name with one click and pass this on.–end of avaaz info– –Halloween can be such a fun time of year for friends and family alike. However, as with any holiday, it’s important to be as resourceful as possible to reduce waste. One easy and fun hack is to recycle your pumpkin.Learn five easy ways you can put your used gourd to good use and if you haven’t already, take our pledge to recycle your pumpkin in an eco-friendly manner this year.–end of NWF info–
We have much work to do.