C-Span generally hosts public call-in sessions in which people can speak to their personal topics of interests. These are the most interesting call-in sessions, in one person’s opinion. This morning a caller at about 9:20AM, on the topic of Trans sports people in women’s sports events, suggested Trans men’s teams and Trans women’s teams as being most fair. Another type of sports event could be a blended Trans men and Trans Women teams as being appropriate, if it is presumed that it is appropriate for women’s teams to be mandated to host Trans participants.
Women have been imposed upon, throughout history, to accommodate the needs of others. The autonomy of women is crucial. Patriarchal hierarchical Establishment has for too long mandated requirements for women that frees patriarchy to flourish while matriarchy is expected to pick up the pieces.
H. R. 734 has raised interesting questions. As one who is entirely unqualified to speak about Trans issues, one feels qualified to speak to women’s issues. Qualities that are often predominant in women are artificially held in lower esteem than those of men. In our capitalistic hierarchical society, each are paid accordingly. To introduce money into this topic feels corrupt, but we work with what we have.
Systematic denigration of women throughout history has served patriarchy. Laws have attempted to put this inequality right for women.
The stilted system can be considered in the women’s soccer team that had superior ability and attention from the public, but were paid less than the men’s soccer team. Women who participate in men’s sports do so in the face of historical support provided for men’s teams. For men who have the male-support headwind at their back to choose to participate in women’s sports seems advantageous.
Especially in situations where everything eventually devolves down to money, and patriarchal hierarchy have rigged the game to ensure who the winners will be, this isn’t essentially about little boys and girls playing games together. One wishes it was. Or if one’s worth in the USA wasn’t so irrevocably linked to money, perhaps the situation would be different.
But the reality in which we live, with the historical blackout about the intricate mechanization of hierarchical Establishment. women deserve a break. This isn’t to suggest Trans people don’t need a break, but with women’s rights still under attack and the FACT that women still earn less then men, one is still interested in rights of women.
The next several links remind of a system that is and for millennia has been rigged, against which women have struggled—-
***https://popularresistance.org/universal-public-services-the-power-of-decommodifying-survival/ –Capitalism relies on maintaining an artificial scarcity of essential goods and services (like housing, healthcare, transport, etc), through processes of enclosure and commodification. We know that enclosure enables monopolists to raise prices and maximize their profits (consider the rental market, the US healthcare system, or the British rail system). But it also has another effect. When essential goods are privatized and expensive, people need more income than they would otherwise require to access them.
–end of popularresisance info–
***https://popularresistance.org/to-fight-inequality-tax-the-patriarchy-and-invest-in-care/ –Why? Because the U.S. tax code is built to reward wealth over work and serves big corporate interests over working families.
–end of popularresistance info–
History has excluded the reality of many women. I was fascinated while reading poems by Emily Dickinson, to realize this nearly-cloistered woman was so much more worldly wise than many highly educated and sophisticated people in 2023, who are probably not aware of punishment imposed upon others, and to a large extent women, in efforts by patriarchy to dominance.
Perhaps along with seeking degrees of graduation from modern-day institutions of higher learning, our youngsters should be informed about those who went before in reality, and not as written into patriarchal history.
https://rainingpoetry.com/Two-Worlds-by-Emily-Dickinson/ —
Auto-da-fé — the burning of a heretic by the Spanish Inquisition.
“he was burned at the stake in what was arguably the biggest auto-da-fé ever in New Spain”
—-end of definition—-
The Spanish Inquisition seems to have been directed toward so-called heresy as imagined by patriarchal institutions. Practices perfected in this time seemed to extend into the Middle Ages Witch trials.
One finds it curious that such a noteworthy practice in our common backgrounds, go unmentioned.
The same patriarchy that wrote laws to undermine women, also did the same for those they wished to colonize. Was this accidental, or intentional? And by he way, nature was also in the cross hairs.
It’s okay to say enough all ready——
From Remaloeb with appreciation—-https://www.facebook.com/rema.loeb/posts/pfbid02q2YDStG7zEPDEKUcfAwxfYktZw8L35ztk6J7CoqnCuUxj3dNZGY1LVNhzWqZetsvl — Our 9 square miles of woods and fields within the ban…. a small piece protected from new gas wells but will be under siege from the boundary line where new gas well pads are permitted. Rigs light up the night sky and the drilling pounds through the night.
–end of remaloeb info–Patriarchy doesn’t only undermine women; it’s much broader than that—From Remaloeb with appreciation — https://www.facebook.com/rema.loeb/posts/pfbid02zRcATdnPKUhxEtpWSnNSRu2JQHGqGwHHS4YfBXPf1ZFY34NTmaBAKUv3aCKJw1bul –Leonard Peltier
–end of remaloeb info–
http://ili.nativeweb.org/sdrm_art.html —When Christopher Columbus first set foot on the white sands of Guanahani island, he performed a ceremony to “take possession” of the land for the king and queen of Spain, acting under the international laws of Western Christendom. Although the story of Columbus’ “discovery” has taken on mythological proportions in most of the Western world, few people are aware that his act of “possession” was based on a religious doctrine now known in history as the Doctrine of Discovery. Even fewer people realize that today – five centuries later – the United States government still uses this archaic Judeo-Christian doctrine to deny the rights of Native American Indians.
–end of nativeweb info–
The enormity of the Establishment manipulation is so astronomical as to be almost unbelievable. As they say, the best place to hide is in plain sight.****
As one who would be perfectly contented to retain the Senate if they adhered to Oaths of Office more than to Citizens United campaign donations, one is interested in a topic raised as to the reason we maintain the US Senate—-