Having quasi-quoted this socialist in the past, it’s better to be aware of the author. If you don’t know who Eugene Debs is, inform yourself. It’s a relevant story.
“It is better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don’t want and get it.” –It is better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don’t want and get it.
–end of brainyquote info–
Discussion about “how to be a progressive Democrat” …. AKA….. “how to lose your identity”. (Along with your dignity and self-respect.)
101 Series: Independent Politics
–end of greenparty info–
The FACT that it is almost impossible to vote for anyone other than those who are all ready in power, as mentioned in the Green Party presentation, seems to be indicative of a dictatorship.
Partisanship between Democrats and Republicans is business as usual for the Capitalist Party R&D duopoly.
Fromm popularresistance — —
On Feb. 3 the newly-elected House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing “the horrors of Socialism“ and opposed “the implementation of socialist policies“ in the United States.
The resolution was discussed for several days. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar of Florida, the Republican sponsor of the bill, said “it is a lie that socialism will solve your problems, economic or social…We cannot let this evil ideology take hold in this country.” She went on to say that “we are in the United States the stronghold of freedom. That is why we must pass this resolution.”
The resolution passed 328 to 86 with a majority of the Democrats joining the Republicans.–end of popularresistance info–
C-Span hosted topics of interest today that included China.
C-Span–7:45AM–caller–paraphrase–China is relevant in nations around the globe due to economic upgrades for the people of said nation. The USA does the same using military bases.
The railroads in Broome County that seemed to have become inordinately dangerous and non-responsive to humanity is a reason one person at least, moved to Chenango County, NY.
From billhuston– –LNG by rail puts our communities at risk every time these rail cars pass through! While these are just 4 reasons why we shouldn’t allow LNG by rail, make no mistake there are plenty more. Sign the petition to SAY NO TO LNG BY RAIL at
–end of tweet—-With appreciation to billhuston —
We also need your help to stop a threat to another vitally important habitat. We have one final opportunity to stop an ecologically devastating oil development on Alaska’s North Slope. Significant portions of the proposed project would be located within the irreplaceable Teshekpuk Lake Special Area, which has been protected for decades due to its significance for nesting Yellow-billed Loons, molting geese, polar bears, and caribou.
The project would have devastating impacts to the entire western Arctic region, posing serious health, environmental, and food security threats to Alaska Native communities.—–end of audubon info——Sign the letter to politicians if you wish——–
Americans seem to have been inculcated in overlooking corruption and the cost to the American society and taxpayer to support predatory behavior by hierarchical Establishment. Can we acknowledge Russia as “our enemy” while hearing relevant world views from that quarter? If not, why not? Are we that insecure? —
The corruption scandals in Ukraine are being actively publicized by the media and are linked not only to the government’s political opponents, but also to Ukraine’s partners, primarily the United States. For example, Bihus.Info published an investigation into Yermak’s ties with former deputies from the now banned Opposition Platform – For Life party. This was Ukraine’s second largest political faction, until it was prohibited by Zelensky, as part of his crackdown on political opponents. –end of rt info–