Is the working class trying to send the message to the ruling class, “don’t push any harder”? –States, cities, and counties in the U.S. have filed around 20 cases to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the climate crisis.
These cases are similar to one another because they all claim that fossil fuel companies misled the public by promoting products that they knew were causing climate harm. –end of treehugger info–
The Founders seemed to have short-circuited predictable predatory exploitation of local communities by big-money interests in the implementation of Revocation of Corporate Charters upon bad behavior toward local communities by corporations. The Supreme Court has undermined this sensible technique of protection of human rights and environmental rights.
Recognition of topics such as Corporate Charter Revocation and Citizens United could be pivotal in returning democracy to our Constitutional republic that has mired in meritocracy, then capitalism as replacements to democracy, and has harmed government of, by and for The People.; –“For one hundred years after the American Revolution, citizens and legislators fashioned the nation’s economy by directing the chartering process,” POCLAD co-founder Richard Grossman and co-author Frank Adams wrote in “Taking Care of Business,” a Tom Paine-style pamphlet published nearly a decade ago.
Once they had thrown off the shackles of British colonial rule, early post-colonial state legislatures chartered only a limited number of profit-making corporations. Only 355 corporations were incorporated in the United States before 1800, most with “public or near public” purposes such as to build canals, bridges or toll roads.
Early state legislators also used corporate charters to place limits on the corporations’ behavior, size and reach. Strict rules limited the issuance of stock, shareholder voting, recordkeeping and disclosure of corporate information. Limits on corporate size and power were placed through rules on capitalization, debt, land holdings and sometimes profits. And states also limited corporate charters to a set number of years, forcing their review and renewal.
By the end of the nineteenth century, however, corporations had been transformed from tightly ruled enterprises which often served the public interest, to a group of industrial-era businesses dominated by giant private trusts that effectively stomped all over states’ ability to control them.
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While we watch Democrats on C-Span this morning who are shocked……SHOCKED….., at the IRS for ignoring its responsibility to have audited Trump while he was President which seems to be a requirement undergone by past Presidents (without whining, tears, and recriminations), some people find equally disturbing the strange relationship between Ukraine and the Biden clan. We The People deserve better governance. —
Former Vice President Joe Biden on Ukraine
SEPTEMBER 26, 2019
Former Vice President Joe Biden on Ukraine–end of c-span info—-
Devoid of a Free Press, democracy doesn’t function. — –In Florida and Alabama, powerful utilities have lobbied against the renewable energy transition.
At the same time, they funneled money through consulting firm Matrix LLC to six media sites in the two states that published coverage favorable to the utilities, as NPR and Floodlight revealed in a major investigation Monday.
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An easy read that seems to highlight the historical tension between so-called progress and the soul, seems encapsulated in the following book.—- —
And the Beginning of the Modern World
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The historic tension touched upon but never deeply so, between hierarchy (Kings and Popes, for example) and artists (painters, musicians, and poets, for example) are highlighted in the book by Thomas Cahill. That a so-called progress has so-called nullified the importance of understanding history in its reality rather than propaganda, would put on display this ongoing tension that has not progressed as pertains to human emotional evolution, as compared against the technological and industrial so-called progress that is based upon principles of greed, privilege and exploitation.
A tool of uplifting this meritorious system is the indoctrination into American exceptionalism that seems to produce an inability to see clearly, the status of the US as compared with the rest of the world.
And so people such as Dante are lauded as being gargantuan thinkers, while whitewashing the FACT of his relationship to hierarchical Establishment of his time. In 2022, one imagines the same treatment by hierarchical Establishment of, for example, Julian Assange. —
Richard Wolff & Lee Camp: The Rise of The Multipolar World
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