Take nothing for granted.  The mumbled absurdities by politicians followed by manic cheering and applause from their followers, is a type of side-show that surely confuses and deflects from interests of We The People.

We must hear that which politician say, ask for clarification on their sound-bites that may be obscure, and demand answer to the questions and concerns of We The People.  Because cable channel MSM is owned by the same Establishment that owns the Republican/Democratic duopoly, questions must be asked by individuals, and answers expected from politicians.
One believes the business of Trump has been less about commercial occupation and more about working the system.  That he and many other commercial interests pay less in taxes than do most of us is the result.  Our laws have been passed by our elected Representatives of The People, to do precisely this.———–In this double-header episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the Trump tax returns, which have already disappeared from the front pages. What they see is the corrupt tax system, whereby the only way to become a billionaire is through exploiting the tax code written by elite law firms and then engineering huge losses to make it big. This program was recorded before the president was diagnosed with Covid-19.
—-end of keiser report info–

Most American citizens should be able to hear FACTS from RT, after citizens confirm those FACTS, without turning RED.  Trust yourself and get informed.  Then you may have a few questions to ask your Representatives about the laws he/she has passed, under which you must live.  Anyone choosing not to be a schmuck can then vote accordingly.

The issue of the batteryrecycling facility in Endicott, NY, has been an example of the dedicated grass-roots public safety advocacy in the Southern Tier––Citizens united for technologies that respect our health and our environment.

  • ——end of noburnbroome info–

–The sentence “Citizens united for technologies that respect our health and our environment” is important.  Language is often manipulated into presenting as desirable, those presumptions that are anything but.  Such a phrase is obvious in the label Citizens United, which was the illegitimate decision handed down by the Supreme Court that legalized corruption in our electoral process by naming money as Free Speech.  Greed and privilege has caused the idea of money as Speech to censor the actual Free Speech of We The People.  Add to this the disturbing label used by past Presidential Administrations of consumer rather than citizen, and the violations of human, civil, and environmental rights by big-money interests is supported.  It is important to take back the definition of We The People as citizens rather than consumers and to own the definition of citizens united to our own use.
An example of misuse of language is the focus from some politicians about so-called voter fraud, which seems to be proven to be minimal, if at all.  This phrase seems used to deflect from the actual illegitimate actions in our elections, which is Party suppression by the Democratic/Republican duopoly—-–The League of United Latin American Citizens is suing the state of Texas over Gov. Greg Abbot’s mail-in ballot drop-off location order. The lawsuit was filed Thursday, the same day Abbott ordered that each county would have only one location to drop off mail-ins. The governor’s order shuts down all other locations chosen by county leaders. Domingo Garcia, LULAC national president, claims Abbott’s move is a “disgraceful” attempt to suppress the Hispanic vote.–end of lulac info–
Several thoughts—-*To maintain the propaganda that “we are a 2-Party system” is a lie*Political Parties Republican/Democratic are corporations*The so-called Debate Commission is nothing more than Democratic Establishment and Republican Establishment monopoly of debates to censor 3rd-Parties*Political Party suppression is a technique in which entire blocks of voters can be silenced by political corporations*The Debate Commission is the openly displayed system of Political-Party suppression that deprives We The People of free, fair and clean elections

This election cycle has been stupendously nonsensical.  The coup de grace seems to have been, so far, the so-called Biden/Trump debate that is an embarrassment.  The good news for Trump/Biden is they didn’t need to speak of their policies as they bobbed and weaved.  The electorate could regain some semblance of balance by listening to the policies and views of Green Party Presidential candidate who lucidly explains positions and visions that would promote the interests of We The People in a government that adheres to principles to democratic (small d) Constitutional republic—-—-We know some people are thinking it’s too late to get Greens in on the conversation, but the truth is that there’s not been a better time!
People are furious about what they saw in the debate. Our website got so much traffic after the debate that the server crashed!So don’t let anyone try to tell you that this campaign is a “wasted vote.”People are waking up. They’re tired of the establishment parties’ circuses and want REAL solutions to their REAL problems.They’re also thirsty to hear more about these real solutions.  Howie’s response to the debate was, hands down, the MOST watched live stream we have ever put out.  You can watch it on YouTube here.
——end of howiehawkins and angelawalker info————–——Howie Hawkins responds to first Presidential debate
Mom’s out there who need to hear more about addressing Climate Change, would be interested in hearing sense from Howie Hawkins rather than the nonsense that proliferated in the debate by the Debate Commission (access and laugh).———-We are running out of time. The climate crisis gets worse the longer we ignore it. We are not alone in asking those who lead the country to tell us their plans to end the pollution heating up our world. A recent poll found that 74% of voters said it was important to ask about climate change during the debates. And 37 senators have also joined the fight, urging that the candidates address climate change.——end of momscleanairforce info–
Remember that the Debate Commission that is occupied by capitalistic hierarchical Establishment (as is, is precisely the corporation that is censoring the 3rd-Party Green Party that is awash in excellent policies, ideas, and vision, not only to protect the environment and so challenge Climate Change, but also promotes employment that is beneficial to the worker.  Our debates have devolved into ostensible food fights that permit politicians to avoid discussing and comparing their policies.  This is atrocious.


One may recognize a similarity in the censorship of 3rd-Party political candidates by the so-labeled Debate Commission, and the silencing of journalists by the same capitalistic hierarchical Establishment—-–On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses with Craig Murray, a former British Ambassador, the hearing underway in London to extradite Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, to the United States.Murray’s exhaustive reporting, which can be found, has become one of the few sources of reliable information about a hearing that has become notoriously difficult to cover because of court restrictions imposed on the press, and is being ignored by most mainstream news organizations.–end of dandelionsalad info–

To remember our place in humanity is accomplished when we pause to sense reality that cannot be bought or sold.  The most cherished reminders are found here——-
One disengages from dismal authoritarianism of the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment by delving into cultures of indigenous people, for perspective and balance.  Included in indigenous people must be European Nature-Way people, whose history has been obscured by the White Supremacy that wields imperialism.  Principles of democracy don’t comport well with capitalist hierarchical Establishment control.  Patriarchy is a tool to promote principles of capitalistic hierarchy, but can be applied by people of all races and sexes.  In contrast, cultures less aggressive and who one sees as focusing on quality over quantity, includes equality.  Women are subjected to stereotypes of all kind, so one will interject another stereotype of women.  When rights of women are respected, the result is a society that supports human, environmental, and civil rights.  Some people call this approach Feminism, and I will, too—–——-The regime of Augusto Pinochet, backed by the US, violently repressed all social movements and opposing political organizations, dismantling all forms of community organization. The dictatorial regime promoted a particular family order, where women were not involved in politics and were meant to play a household role. During the dictatorship those who opposed the government and were involved in leftwing circles were detained and thousands tortured. Torture against women was predominantly sexual. In interviews, victims have described misogyny entrenched in this torment, and their torturers expressing anger that women should not get involved in political issues. There was a systematic attempt to take women out of the political sphere, and since then, the women’s movement has been central in trying to re-politicize their rights. ———end of towardfreedom info–

Capitalistic hierarchical Establishment is the foundation of the Republican/Democratic duopoly, and one isn’t surprised to have heard campaign strategists of both branches of the duopoly, use misogyny to promote their political candidates and positions.  The combination of misogyny and capitalism is the premise upon which stand the Republican/Democratic duopoly.  Equality and justice will be illusive as long as more than half of the US public are so used as enablers for political expediency.

2020 Feb 17-28303929
2020 Feb 3-16333926
2020 Jan 16-29304227
2020 Jan 2-15274527

—-end of party affiliation info—-
And many of the most non-Establishment voters are in the Green Party.
**************************************As a Green Party registered voter routinely, one re-registers every 4 years into the Democratic Party to be able to cast a vote in the Democratic Primary for Bernie Sanders.  One is positive one is not alone in doing so.Lost in the fog of political corruption over several decades, is the fact that the Presidential debates were once in the capable hands of the League of Women Voters—-—-Most objectionable to the League, Neuman said, were conditions in the agreement that gave the campaigns unprecedented control over the proceedings. Neuman called “outrageous” the campaigns’ demands that they control the selection of questioners, the composition of the audience, hall access for the press and other issues.”The campaigns’ agreement is a closed-door masterpiece,” Neuman said. “Never in the history of the League of Women Voters have two candidates’ organizations come to us with such stringent, unyielding and self-serving demands.”Neuman said she and the League regretted that the American people have had no real opportunities to judge the presidential nominees outside of campaign-controlled environments.—-end of lwv info—In other words, (paraphrase) patriarchy says, “we’ll handle it from here, little ladies”——After studying the election process in 1985, the bipartisan National Commission on Elections recommended “turning over the sponsorship of Presidential debates to the two major parties”. The CPD was established in 1987 by the chairmen of the Democratic and Republican Parties to “take control of the Presidential debates”. The commission was staffed by members from the two parties and chaired by the heads of the Democratic and Republican parties… (wikipedia)
—end of straty info——The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) was established in 1987 to ensure, for the benefit of the American electorate, that general election debates between or among the leading candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States are a permanent part of the electoral process. CPD’s primary purpose is to sponsor and produce the quadrennial general election debates and to undertake research and educational activities relating to the debates. The organization, which is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) corporation, sponsored all of the presidential debates in 1988199219962000200420082012, and 2016
—end of debates info—The Commission on Presidential Debates, replacing the League of Women Voters, controls who can debate and on which topics.  They call this educating the public, others may see this as brainwashing. The CPD would profit by hearing from We The People, as to concerns about censorship.  The censorship seems to have become so blatant, that petitions to the CPD have reached into the hundreds of thousands.  PETITION—–——–Thank you all for continuing to share and support this petition. Within the last couple of days, I have composed and sent an e-mail to the Commission on Presidential Debates. The message reads as follows:—-end of info—

Commission Leadership

Co-ChairsFrank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr.
Dorothy S. Ridings
Kenneth WollackHonorary Co-ChairsGerald R. Ford*
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan*
George W. Bush
Barack ObamaCo-Chair EmeritusPaul G. Kirk, Jr.Board of DirectorsJohn C. Danforth
Charles Gibson
John GriffenYvonne Hao
Jane Harman
Antonia Hernandez
Reverend John I. JenkinsNewton N. Minow
Richard D. Parsons
Olympia SnoweExecutive DirectorJanet H. Brown* Deceased© COPYRIGHT 2020 THE COMMI—end of debates so-called leadership—-This also filters out any other than Democratic Establishment and Republican Establishment views.  This means We The People have nothing to say in our own governance.Consider the large number of voters who do not embrace the policies of either of the Democratic Establishment or Republican Establishment, and the fact that the Democratic Establishment and Republican Establishment have swindled the American electorate out of unbiased information directly from possible Presidential choices; often outside of the Capitalist Party D&R.  Since these disgusting events in the ’80’s, state-run/corporate-owned MSM has consistently indoctrinated We The People into accepting the falsehood that “we are a 2-Party system”.  This has had the effect of rending illegitimate, the deeply legitimate tradition of free, clean, and fair elections.  
In other words, politicians are now choosing their voters, rather than voters choosing their politicians.
Acting on the human frailty of ignorance combined with arrogance, and using as an example the Democratic Establishment, one recognizes what is called a Democratic Base that believes in their right to dictate to others, their voting choices.  —–

In Solidarity With People And Nature  —   ;; —     Green Black Caucus
A Resource  —

Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Howie Hawkins responds to first Presidential debateHowie Hawkins responds to first Presidential debatePreview YouTube video Winona LaDuke Calls for Indigenous-Led “Green New Deal” as She Fights Minnesota Pipeline ExpansionWinona LaDuke Calls for Indigenous-Led “Green New Deal” as She Fights Minnesota Pipeline Expansion

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