Indoctrination is the only conceivable reason so many of We The People have been hoodwinked into believing commercial interests take precedence over the health and safety of people and nature.

The reason so many laws support and expand this indoctrination seems to be Citizens United that corrupted the electoral process, putting into power legislators who are representatives of corporations rather than of We The People, and who work within ALEC ( to, behind the scenes and never discussed in public, pass laws that has created a dictatorship-similar governance that is excused with the phrase of “running government like a business”.————————
TOLEDO, OH: Yesterday, an Ohio court of appeals reversed a previous trial court order, ruling residents suing to enforce the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR) and hold the State of Ohio accountable for its failure to protect Lake Erie have stated a legitimate claim. The court also suggested the State of Ohio has been hypocritical and may not be fulfilling its obligations toward Lake Erie and her people. The state argues it is protecting Lake Erie—which is the people of Toledo’s drinking water supply—but instead is busy trying to slow down the people of Toledo from advancing historic Rights of Nature protections for the imperiled lake.“The state keeps claiming it has the sole power to protect Lake Erie, then why don’t they protect it already? The people have no illusions that the courts or this ruling will save them or the lake. Lake Erie turns green and poisonous with toxic algae year after year and the state not only does nothing, it protects the polluters and fights the people who are attempting to protect the lake,” says CELDF Ohio Organizer Tish O’Dell. “This ruling at least validates the people’s instinct to keep fighting for the lake and their community any way they can. We will fight however we can, wherever we can.”
—–end of celdf info–

Anyone can get involved in anyway one wishes—-—-————

A few minutes of your time can make a lifetime of difference for wildlife in jeopardy. Taking action means you’re ensuring decision-makers hear your call for solutions to protect and restore our natural world. Every voice counts—and together, our unified voice sends a powerful message. Join us in taking action for wildlife today.—end of nwfactionfund action info——They make it very easy for anyone to get involved.  Match your abilities to the opportunities.
Political campaign strategists have abused both race and sex to stir the pot of the electorate into Team Blue or Team Red of the Republican/Democratic duopoly.  The ease with which White Supremacy can be abused for this purpose has deflected from recognizing the expansive character of the FACT of this system.  Europeans have been subjected to a faction within their nations who are White Supremacists and before inflicting themselves around the globe, had first committed atrocities within their own neighborhoods.––end of cnn info—
White Supremacy seems to be the transparent materialization of the fruits of capitalism that is the foundation of the imperialism that has been soft-sold by past Presidential Administrations as “the globalism that cannot be stopped”.  Add to this the red herring that “we are spreading democracy around the world” (at the end of a gun barrel) and the justification for compliance by such so-called leaders to capitalistic hierarchical Establishment who is the Democratic/Republican duopoly is complete.  The same system is now turned against We The People.
The Military-Industrial Complex that has been used around the globe to inflict this type of colonization seems to have infiltrated local community law enforcement.  And so we have capitalistic hierarchical Establishment use natural resources (environment) and human resources (people) for profiteering, using the corrupt electoral process that is occupied by the same Establishment.
Greed and corruption promoted and made possible by Citizens United, in our electoral process, has resulted in a rise to the top, to the worst humanity has to offer—-–People lie. People cheat. People steal. Some get punished. Some wind up taking the punishment for someone else. That’s the way of this wicked world. But a wise man once said that the prevailing ideology of a society reflects the ideology of its ruling class. So, when the president blatantly lies, cheats, steals and twiddles his lips as others suffer, it follows that people will lose confidence in truth, honesty, property and the rule of law.Are we doomed to just stand back and watch this wretched clusterfuck? The alternative to inferno is not centrist Democratic confusion and anxiety. It’s the possibility of making the left into an organized national opposition with direct ties to millions of people after Election Day. This is what we have to aim for, as hard as it is to say with a straight face. We know the centrists are afraid of that happening at least as much as they are of four (or more) years of Trump.
–end of socialistproject info–
White Supremacists aren’t only rag-tag groups of belligerents in some obscure backwaters.  They aren’t distinct in political Party, race, or gender.  It is about the ages-old barbarity that hasn’t as yet been sufficiently recognized or challenged.
We do not need to eschew economic growth, but we do need to define economic viability.  The idea of infinite growth with finite resources is absurd.  Progress in the capitalistic system of 2020 American is based upon greed, exploitation and privilege.  Our economic model is the Pyramid Scheme.
We can define progress in terms of peace, good health and justice.  Our economic goal can be stability.—-–These have become pertinent questions even — or especially — for wealthy, industrialized economies, where growth has slowed over recent decades. “What the mainstream economists are doing is just trying to relaunch growth,” Demaria says.A different approach, which aims to rein in growth without inflicting the pain that recession has traditionally entailed, comes from the field of ecological economics.–end of ecowatch info–
Local grassroots citizens are working to strengthen democracy and principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Food is a primary source of not only nutrition, but also of freedom and equality.  In our current system, it has been used for profiteering, control, and privilege, along with the rest of our resources—-———As COVID-19 claims its 1 millionth death, one thing has become clear: We can’t solve this global health crisis by throwing more vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs at it.The greatest risk factor for death from COVID-19 is poor health. According to the CDC, 94 percent of death certificates for COVID-19 victims in the U.S. were in people with pre-existing health conditions including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, dementia and hypertension.=========end of organicconsumers info–Do we have the character to build a better life?—-–Naturally, this doesn’t mean accepting the unimaginative, resigned attitude of centrist Democrats, who assume the best way forward is to go backward to stock neoliberal policies dug up from the Obama years. It means taking what is best in liberalism — its historic defenses of civil liberties and moral equality — and conceptually marrying it to the socialist quest for greater equality in fact.–end of portside info——-

American globalism that has been the smokescreen for imperialism has been encouraged, but only as pertains to money.  Any notion of cultural globalism is suppressed, including a Common Core educational style that doesn’t teach history FACTually, if at all.  And so the presumption is propaganda, that White Supremacy is localized in the USA, is lost to many Americans.  In FACT, White Supremacy has been practiced among people who many Americans would ignorantly suppose to be the so-called white race, due to inability to acknowledge nuance.—––While practitioners of the Old Religion are not always depicted in a wholly positive light in the series (the hilariously charlatanical new-agey soothsayer in Le Devin being a fitting counterexample), the fact that a druid is presented as the guardian of the independence, identity, and freedom of his people left a powerful impression on me. Maybe druids were actually not just dangerous human-sacrificers, like I had learned in school? And maybe there was something behind this cartoon character that reflected something true, and positive about this long-forgotten worldview?
–end of wildhunt info–
Add to this the predominance of The Religious Right and Southern Baptists, to name 2 vociferous players, in our politics that should keep separate church and state, and the hash made of history by these “political strategists” are worthy of being in comic books.


In NYS, school taxes are high, buildings are ubiquitous, modern, and empty.  Should we continue this Pyramid Scheme capitalistic hierarchical Establishment bait-and-switch?—-—–Lewis Black | “The Rant Is Due” Pinehurst NC (October 2, 2020)————My respect for education doesn’t seem compatible with whatever our current system of education is doing.   As one who saw grades 1-12 as similar to torture, and who along with the rest of my 4th-grade class was housed in the back of the bus garage, and where physical violence perpetrated by huge farm boys was handled by the teacher, education is an interesting topic, and shouldn’t be left in the hands of those climbing our Pyramid Scheme.  The reason is, they don’t care about education.

The omnipresent and historical character of White Supremacy is best challenged in FACT, rather than as political strategy among cheerleaders for either branch of the Democratic/Republican duopoly. Consider the history and exploitation—–When Christopher Columbus first set foot on the white sands of Guanahani island, he performed a ceremony to “take possession” of the land for the king and queen of Spain, acting under the international laws of Western Christendom. Although the story of Columbus’ “discovery” has taken on mythological proportions in most of the Western world, few people are aware that his act of “possession” was based on a religious doctrine now known in history as the Doctrine of Discovery. Even fewer people realize that today – five centuries later – the United States government still uses this archaic Judeo-Christian doctrine to deny the rights of Native American Indians.–end of nativeweb info–

We would be especially conditioned if we didn’t recognize the power and privilege to dictate the laws that easily marginalizes groups of people who do not support the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment—https://.org/t/ViewEmanews.prisonpolicyil/r/E0EA87F0716DD89A2540EF23F30FEDED/27329FF7FE55C677DD77C2D7D67F9C18–

New 50-state report from Prison Policy Initiative and Rainbow PUSH Coalition provides a roadmap to normalizing voting from jail

–end of prisonpolicy info——————————–
The duopoly Republican/Democratic is not functioning within principles of a democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Voter suppression and political Party suppression is routine to the level of being ignored by MSM and law enforcement alike.  The cumbersome number of laws in place to control the actions of the public, which laws are so many that one can hardly move without exposure to arrest, does not seem applied to Establishment characters in the most blatant disregard for our laws.  Voter suppression and political Party suppression are 2 such examples, coupled with Citizens United that calls money speech and then which money is used to suppress actual voices of citizens attempting Free Speech.
These are reasons alone, to consider identification of the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment as dictatorial, and putting into place a government of, by and for The People.  Our 2020 Presidential election is spiraling into chaos anyway.  What better time to vote your conscience rather than “holding your nose and voting” for the systems that have created that chaos.–It’s a vicious cycle: (1) the pandemic, if not caused by Democrat and Republican-led assaults to our ecosystem, was certainly exacerbated by a government infrastructure built by two parties who are more beholden to corporate donors and Big Industry than to the welfare of the American people. (2) The economic fallout from the pandemic devastates huge layers of workers and their families who were already struggling to survive. (3) Unequal access to housing, medical care, good jobs and social safety nets because of racist systems pushes communities of color even further into despair and makes them more susceptible to COVID-19.
Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos, supporter of both major parties but mostly a Democrat donor, made more than a million dollars in the time it took you to read this message, while thousands and thousands of his vulnerable workers are getting sick with COVID.Our system is unquestionably broken and we cannot spend one more second scrambling to patch it back up so it limps on to hurt more of us. No more pretending that we don’t need a government that is eco-socialist and truly democratic, or that it isn’t possible to create something better, where neither presidents nor meatpackers are hurt by a preventable virus, where contact tracing and uniform distancing measures are in place and all Americans have accessibility to tests as they do in most other countries.
A vote for Green Party Presidential candidate Howie Hawkins is to ensure that you honor your own voice—-

Green Party Candidate Howie Hawkins on Campaign 2020

Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins discusses his 2020 campaign for the White House.—end of c-span interview with Howie Hawkins—-       Howie Hawkins expresses the view that Democratic voters or Republican voters will not propel the Green Party, but rather the enormous number of disenfranchised voters who never make it to the polls, in abject disgust of the system of exclusion and lies……………………last 10 words not Hawkins’  …(paraphrase0


2020 Feb 17-28303929
2020 Feb 3-16333926
2020 Jan 16-29304227
2020 Jan 2-15274527

—-end of party affiliation info—-
And many of the most non-Establishment voters are in the Green Party.
**************************************As a Green Party registered voter routinely, one re-registers every 4 years into the Democratic Party to be able to cast a vote in the Democratic Primary for Bernie Sanders.  One is positive one is not alone in doing so.Lost in the fog of political corruption over several decades, is the fact that the Presidential debates were once in the capable hands of the League of Women Voters—-—-Most objectionable to the League, Neuman said, were conditions in the agreement that gave the campaigns unprecedented control over the proceedings. Neuman called “outrageous” the campaigns’ demands that they control the selection of questioners, the composition of the audience, hall access for the press and other issues.”The campaigns’ agreement is a closed-door masterpiece,” Neuman said. “Never in the history of the League of Women Voters have two candidates’ organizations come to us with such stringent, unyielding and self-serving demands.”Neuman said she and the League regretted that the American people have had no real opportunities to judge the presidential nominees outside of campaign-controlled environments.—-end of lwv info—In other words, (paraphrase) patriarchy says, “we’ll handle it from here, little ladies”——After studying the election process in 1985, the bipartisan National Commission on Elections recommended “turning over the sponsorship of Presidential debates to the two major parties”. The CPD was established in 1987 by the chairmen of the Democratic and Republican Parties to “take control of the Presidential debates”. The commission was staffed by members from the two parties and chaired by the heads of the Democratic and Republican parties… (wikipedia)
—end of straty info——The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) was established in 1987 to ensure, for the benefit of the American electorate, that general election debates between or among the leading candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States are a permanent part of the electoral process. CPD’s primary purpose is to sponsor and produce the quadrennial general election debates and to undertake research and educational activities relating to the debates. The organization, which is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) corporation, sponsored all of the presidential debates in 1988199219962000200420082012, and 2016
—end of debates info—The Commission on Presidential Debates, replacing the League of Women Voters, controls who can debate and on which topics.  They call this educating the public, others may see this as brainwashing. The CPD would profit by hearing from We The People, as to concerns about censorship.  The censorship seems to have become so blatant, that petitions to the CPD have reached into the hundreds of thousands.  PETITION—–——–Thank you all for continuing to share and support this petition. Within the last couple of days, I have composed and sent an e-mail to the Commission on Presidential Debates. The message reads as follows:—-end of info—

Commission Leadership

Co-ChairsFrank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr.
Dorothy S. Ridings
Kenneth WollackHonorary Co-ChairsGerald R. Ford*
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan*
George W. Bush
Barack ObamaCo-Chair EmeritusPaul G. Kirk, Jr.Board of DirectorsJohn C. Danforth
Charles Gibson
John GriffenYvonne Hao
Jane Harman
Antonia Hernandez
Reverend John I. JenkinsNewton N. Minow
Richard D. Parsons
Olympia SnoweExecutive DirectorJanet H. Brown* Deceased© COPYRIGHT 2020 THE COMMI—end of debates so-called leadership—-This also filters out any other than Democratic Establishment and Republican Establishment views.  This means We The People have nothing to say in our own governance.Consider the large number of voters who do not embrace the policies of either of the Democratic Establishment or Republican Establishment, and the fact that the Democratic Establishment and Republican Establishment have swindled the American electorate out of unbiased information directly from possible Presidential choices; often outside of the Capitalist Party D&R.  Since these disgusting events in the ’80’s, state-run/corporate-owned MSM has consistently indoctrinated We The People into accepting the falsehood that “we are a 2-Party system”.  This has had the effect of rending illegitimate, the deeply legitimate tradition of free, clean, and fair elections.  
In other words, politicians are now choosing their voters, rather than voters choosing their politicians.
Acting on the human frailty of ignorance combined with arrogance, and using as an example the Democratic Establishment, one recognizes what is called a Democratic Base that believes in their right to dictate to others, their voting choices.  —–

In Solidarity With People And Nature  —   ;; —     Green Black Caucus
A Resource  —

Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Lewis Black | “The Rant Is Due” Pinehurst NC (October 2, 2020)Lewis Black | “The Rant Is Due” Pinehurst NC (October 2, 2020)Preview YouTube video Winona LaDuke Calls for Indigenous-Led “Green New Deal” as She Fights Minnesota Pipeline ExpansionWinona LaDuke Calls for Indigenous-Led “Green New Deal” as She Fights Minnesota Pipeline Expansion

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