Tag: religion
Full circle closure from the days of Radio Free Europe to get FACTS to those living under Communism can be identified in what could be called Radio Free America to do the same in Capitalist USA. Why are Russian hackers uncovering info ignored by state-influenced-corporate-owned MSM that supports the American Capitalist system? A Free Press promotes democracy.
An argument heard from too many politicians seems to reflect a fear of change. Away from what comes with change? So far we have wealth inequality protected by law rather than free market principles, political Parties that protect themselves rather than principles of the US Constitution, a judicial system that ensures it is better to be rich and guilty than poor and innocent, Climate Change, and imperialism, to name a few of the changes politicians fear to challenge. We also have the propaganda that capitalism is synonymous with democracy, which it is not. Voices other than supporters of this system are censored. Censorship is associated more with hierarchy than with democracy. So let’s consider change.
The US Capitalist Party seems the cover for plutocracy. The presumption that “we are a 2-Party system is the opening propaganda that betrays any reality in the US Constitution. President George Washington in his Farewell Address specifically warned Americans against political Parties due to conflict of interest. The Republican/Democratic duopoly is working in tandem to uphold capitalism as our system, in place of principles of a democratic Constitutional republic.
A point can be made that policies and indeed acronyms are in play as relates to government long before too many in the public are familiar with either. Jargon could be properly described to the general public if we availed ourselves of a Free Press. Instead the USA is encumbered with a state-run-corporate-owned MSM PR platform in place of a Free Press, but advertised as such. And so, the public needs to dig into the so-called news to understand precisely what is transpiring.