UnConscious Judges


C-Span hosted an insightful cal- in session on the topic of our Supreme Court Justices about in particular Alito and Thomas, and currently specifically Alito who is displaying bias on the topic upon which he has chosen to participate in his capacity of judge..

The story in the USA is that justice is blind, unlike those in authoritarian nations, so they say, as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.

Apparently the USA has jumped upon the dictatorial bandwagon.  Professional pride is extinguished among these particular judges.  The art of judging can be trained and refined, in a manner that raises the consciousness of such public servants. 

As one who for 10 years was a trained mediator with Accord in Binghamton, NY, ongoing training instilled a personal consciousness raising and ability to notice one’s own biases.  That one could notice such bias, one was more able to adjust and have the ability as closely as possible to a type of ethical behavior.  One noticed this was the case among other mediators.

That professional pride is extinguished among so many judges seems based upon “running government like a business”, which is capitalistic influence, a euphemism for corruption, and ends in organized crime.

This is what is a concern to many of We The People.

Patriarchal chauvinism is extant in comments, one believes, from Clarence Thomas, who obviously has used corruption and gluttony as his smokescreen from which to spitball at a past Feminist Supreme Court judge who expressed ideas of gender equality.  This is a nasty trick of patriarchy in diminishing notions of civil rights which may include flying American flags upside down, but surely includes support for women’s rights that have been ignominiously censored contrary to any concept of liberty or equality.  One isn’t sidetracked with contemptuous patriarchal…..one won’t say BS……one will say bull feathers. 

If CT was offended by RB-D, he should have said it to her face.  Perhaps if Mrs. CT had been there, he would have.

Gender Dynamics in Authoritarian Islamic States

It is a credit to women in most Western and democratic countries such as India for creating sustainable movements that have achieved remarkable outcomes since the 1960s. While it may be that many women in Muslim (and non-Muslim) authoritarian states do wish and indeed strive to build similar social movements, their struggles are often thwarted by the repressive measures of authoritarian/patriarchal states as well as the unsympathetic attitudes of many ordinary men.

–end of Feministmovement info–

The lack of bias arises in Clarence Thomas who is opposed to same-sex marriages, but presumably won’t so advocate against inter-racial marriages.  This dude is too cute by half.  It’s like he thinks we can’t see him, as we aren’t supposed to see the actions of McConnell and Alito.

Consciousness raising won’t hurt as much as they seem to think it will, except of course for the need to address personal propensities for gluttony.  WWJD?

Either way, both Alito and Thomas needn’t look far to see the corruption from which their own stench arises.  It”s called gluttony, that has been called out by more ethical individuals than me

These two judge wannabe’s could use some remedial Continuing Education on the topic of displaying integrity and lack of bias. 

The apparent weight of self-monitoring seems to have escaped these pretenders.  The NYS mediation board could offer a first rate remedial training course.   One looked up the word remedial to ensure fairness—–

  • provided or intended for school students who have not achieved the level of attainment necessary for them to be able to study with their contemporaries.”remedial education”

And by the way, Senator McConnell, who unfairly rigged the system of fairness in choosing Supreme Court Justices, could tag along.  An old phrase from the WWII era could resonate with this well-seasoned patriarch,  McConnell also has mud on his skirts.

Before criticizing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, perhaps they could look at themselves.

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