One would have preferred we hadn’t needed to wait for Earth Day for C-Span to highlight our environment.  And by the way, what is your Representative of The People doing to enable your survival?

Washington Journal: Jane Davenport Discusses Earth Day 2024 & Conservation Efforts———


Washington Journal

Jane Davenport on Earth Day 2024 and Conservation Efforts

Jane Davenport talked about Earth Day 2024 and conservation efforts.—-end of janedavenport info —

Washington Journal: Bob Inglis Discusses Climate Change  ——–


Washington Journal

Bob Inglis on Climate Change

Former Representative Bob Inglis (R-SC), executive director of the advocacy group republicEn, talked about the impact of climate change and efforts to combat it.—end of bobinglis info–

In order to realize the level of indoctrination of humanity by those who have clawed their way to the top of our Pyramid Scheme culture, first read https://www.amazon.com/Ownership-Christian-Teaching-Charles-Avila/dp/1592447287– Charles Avila’s important retrieval of patristic texts reminds us that the ‘option for the poor’ is not a new theological fad, but an ancient Christian legacy. Joe Holland, Center of Concern, Washington, D.C. Charles Avila has provided an important recovery of the patristic teachings on wealth and poverty and has shown that a Christian theology of stewardship must be rooted in an ethic of economic justice. Rosemary Radford Ruether, Carpenter Professor of Feminist Theology, Pacific School of Religion This book is a rich anthology of a stream of Christianity which offers a striking vision of what the Redemption ought to imply normatively for a Christian-inspired organization of economic and social life. Prophetic reminders of basic truths about wealth and poverty are never out of date. Denis Goulet, Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame At long last, here is a book from a Christian and Asian voice of the Third World who rediscovers and re-echoes afresh for our times the prophetic, undiluted, and revolutionary patristic thought on property – a well-kept secret until now – a voice that speaks with a ‘bite’ to the rich and powerful on behalf of the millions of landless, propertyless victims of injustice.–end of ownership–Christian Teaching info–

Many reasons exist for a vote for a Republican.  The flies in the ointment are MAGA and the presumptive orange Savior, religious exploitation, violate of women’s rights, and greed.  So To listen to Bob Ingalls suggested hope, with a thick layer of skepticism.  But he did admit that years ago he was a Climate Change denier which he now views as an erroneous view.  This also cast shadow on the Christian perspective that Climate Change will happily lead to Armageddon.  This seems suspiciously irritating when such self-serving politicians presume to partner with God.

Meanwhile, to compare opposites, so-called Pagans who seem more willing to listen to the Creator as juxtaposed with preaching at the Creator seemed to have been more genuine and ethical.

The above referenced book is an indication of opening of the minds of a few religious thinkers.  

Meanwhile, we watch the current Republicans marking their religious territory with, viewed by some people, as being (to use the religious phrase applied to Pagans) heresy..  

[EARTH DAY MATCH ACTIVE] Imagine you’re a wolf on the run.– Defenders of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America. Together, we can ensure a future for the wildlife and wild places we all love.

 –end of defenders info–

Jane Davenport and her organization have done the heavy lifting possibly pre-dating Mr. Ingalls environmental eventual and tortured illumination.  Why bother with a slow-to-the-dance RepubliEns when actually genuine thinkers and doers are available.

In a nutshell, the above book about ownership states transparently that a Christian would understand that everything is a gift from God.  In paganism everything is The Creator.  Either way, ownership and personal property is the indoctrination into compliance of the majority of humanity, to give up environmental and human rights to an illusive and non-existent right to ownership of that which they have no right, more than anyone else.  One speaks of the top of the Ponzi Scheme.

This reality expands to all of our fellow Earth travelers other than human, including also plants and wildlife.

These are part-and-parcel of the commons, along with the ideas of socialism.  Anything else, whether Christian or Pagan, could be called sacrilegious, which has also been recognized as organized crime.

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