Locals Voice Concern Over Potential Food Desert with Weis Closure

Council members discussed possible solutions to the issue as well, including mobile units from Greater Good Grocery Store and CHOW to bring food to the area. 

“It was a point that was brought up tonight by one of the submitters that we really need to remember to shop at our local store, particularly those of us who are financially able to go to other stores to try and keep our neighborhood grocery for the people that can’t get other places,” City Council member and Representative of the Fifth District Hadassah Mativetsky said. — end of fooddesert info–

The Binghamton Board meeting called in response to the surprise local grocery store closing didn’t seem to draw the attention of city leaders who were critical of calls to  dissolve the BPD.  One needn’t support said proposal to understand the virtue to discuss different aspects of governance:  And this isn’t a political-Party issue anyway.  That this is about the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment propensities is significant, while local community members are left to deal with the ramifications.

To “run government like a business” on a continuum leads to organized crime.  Rather than discussion about dissolving the BPD, this system needs discussion.  One suspects inability to express the actual problem leads to such demands to BPD.  Functioning leaders would be capable of hearing the frustration and getting to the bottom of the complaint.

One notices that none of Mayor Kraham or his strong-man posse commented on this human travesty of a grocery store closing.  

Mayor Kraham blasts city council for floating constituent’s proposal to ‘dissolve’ Binghamton Police Department— Many Republicans, including Broome County Sheriff Fred Akshar, said their piece. Monday. They said Solak’s proposed legislation was ridiculous and an insult to the members of the Binghamton Police Department as well as the community.

  –end of board meeting info–

Some people object to a system that thrives on draining wealth from local communities to far-flung political campaign donors.  Attention from leaders still working via “trickle-down” mindset belies actual hierarchical concerns.  This system maintains oligarchs, seems to cause war (Hamas-Israel), and seems harmful to the local community members called collateral damage.  

The Industrial Age is about capitalism, and for that matter communism.  

We need to be capable of imagining and discussing a different way.

And by the way, the “trickle down” system pales before the dereliction of message as pertains to integrity, to the preaching from institutional religion of most types.  

What up, Evangelicals?–An Asian Theology of Liberation by A Pieris – Paperback – 1988 – from (SKU: 9846838 Pieris confronts two of the most urgent and complex questions facing Christians today – so many poor people and so many religions. He believes that the approaches of the Christian Churches to these questions will determine whether Christianity will continue to have any relevance for Asia or not. Google Books

  –end of Liberation info—

Meanwhile in the Southern Tier, one is in nearer danger of arrest for speaking out proposing dissolving the BPD than about another grocery-store closing.

Priorities feel askew.

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