One who remembers the rage after the 9/11 attack in NYC reportedly implicating the Saudi Arabian oligarchs, understands the rage of Israeli citizens who just last week protested the corruption in their own government. This includes an Israel thate seems intent on eradicating Palestinian lifestyle choice of farming and local-community business in favor of “work permits” in Israel.
Also the 9/11 the USA “will never forget” has been mitigated as the US Establishment insists of collaboration between, for example, Israel and the Saudi’s who currently seem to have insinuated control over US water rights in Arizona and byway of golf course ownership, which absorbs much of local-community water rights.
Any who challenge this capitalistic hierarchical Establishment presumption are labeled as terrorists.
Terrorism is real, but we need to be discerning in its application and those so presuming to label. Iran may have collaborated with Hamas, who knows? But what about the reported Ukrainian black market of US sponsored military equipment that is sold on the world market in keeping with “running government like a business”, and also the treasure trove of US military equipment that was left in Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban. How is this not collaborating with terrorist-labeled nations?
In other words, this uninformed individual would question whether we are watching the global elite in general running their predatory game against the entirety of global local communities.
Why is NATO predominantly run and funded by the USA to protect the interests of Europe whose citizens enjoy the security of socialism of some sort, including universal health care, without contributing their share to NATO, while US citizens are forced into the position of poverty-level wage workers for the Establishment. And why haven’t, until recently, US citizens noticed and voted against this insult if not dictatorship?
We are watching humanity turned into human resources and the environment turned into natural resources as governments “run government like a business”, that on a continuum is organized crime.
The shock and rage of Israel citizens is understandable, but unlike the USA after 9/11, one hopes the rage is well directed. American leadership used the opportunity to invade Iraq that had little to do with the 9/11 attack, but was a nation that had personally insulted “W”‘s daddy. This response was simply Medieval.
So what are our Representatives of the People neglecting as they fall over each other to support global oligarchy?–https://www.dailyclimate.org/fracking-radioactive-waste-2665868851.html?utm_medium=email—
The study, published in the journal Ecological Indicators, compared records on Pennsylvania’s oil and gas waste from 2010-2020, and uncovered significant gaps between what oil and gas operators reported they’d sent to landfills and what the landfills reported receiving. The records were so different, the researchers couldn’t find a single case where the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Oil & Gas Report figures on this hazardous waste matched reports from the landfills receiving it.
This type of waste often contains toxic chemicals and carcinogens, including high levels of heavy metals like arsenic, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and radioactive materials. Previous research has shown that radioactive contaminants from fracking waste can linger in local waterways and wildlife for decades.
–end of dailyclimate info–
Climate Change is buoyed by capitalistic predatory business practice and lifestyle, and by war. Palestinian local communities seem to wish a lifestyle that challenges Climate Change. Maybe we need to consider their wisdom. — https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?e=2833cdb99b&u=36ce609ae68971b4f060ad9c7&id=2cc3c8bd15—-