A sense of justice must challenge a supposed health system that profits not only from disease, but the cause of disease. –Fossil fuel investments directly contradict the Hippocratic Oath – First, Do No Harm – at the heart of the healthcare profession. But, a new report shows that four major private hospitals in the US hold over $4.6 BILLION in fossil fuel investments. Nationwide, it is likely that private US hospitals have well over $10 billion invested in the fossil fuel economy.
So why is the healthcare sector still investing in companies that are destroying our collective and planetary health? It’s time for healthcare pensions to take the lead and divest from fossil fuels once and for all.
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So what other denial do we accept in the name of popular culture?
No, Donald, “stars aren’t permitted to carry out unwanted sexual assault”. That’s only the notion of sick minds. Some people haven’t searched for eternal truths, while depending on hierarchical presumption such as Donald is reported to have stated. This feels like another example of a short-circuited maturity journey. —
NEW YORK CITY — During his October deposition as part of the rape and defamation trial brought against him by the writer E. Jean Carroll, former President Donald Trump told prosecution lawyers that “stars” like him had, “unfortunately or fortunately,” historically been permitted to carry out unwanted sexual assault.
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Some people are working toward the common good.–
From lakotalaw — Greetings from Pine Ridge. I’ll keep this email short and sweet — but only because I want you to spend your reading time on today’s blog! I’ve also recorded a short video, which you’ll see near the top of the blog page. What’s my topic? I’m highlighting the importance of Indigenous knowledge in tackling the climate crisis in the wake of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report and convening of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
Please do read the blog, but here’s one of my key points. The climate crisis is real, it’s serious, and it’s existential — but that’s not a reason for pessimism. In order to win this fight, we must listen to one another, celebrate the good work being done, and tap into our resilience as human beings. We should recognize the victories we’re achieving now and incorporate both science and the understanding Indigenous communities have had for Unci Maka — our grandmother Earth — for thousands of years.
We know about resilience, and we aren’t scared of the apocalypse. In the era of colonization, we’ve already been living through it for generations. We haven’t lost our faith or our capacity for optimism, and we’re not going to give those up now. I invite you to hear my perspective and take on this challenge with me so the generations to come can tell an inspiring story of reconnection and recovery.
Wopila tanka — thank you for caring for Unci Maka!
Tokata Iron Eyes
The Lakota People’s Law Project
—end of lakotalaw info– —“The genocide over hundreds of years of Indigenous peoples in the Americas and the co-decimation of nonhuman relatives and their societies brings us and you to here. It is this world built out of our apocalypse that is now at risk.”Kim Tall BearLet’s be clear. Native Peoples have already lived through and are still surviving an apocalypse. The systemic processes of genocide and displacement at work for centuries are still ongoing. The colonial perspective, one of privilege, cherished unknowing, and feigned ignorance has allowed and will continue to contribute to the violence that has created the climate crisis. “Doomsday” came early for some, and only recently has the reality and depth of our being in relationship to the Earth been acknowledged by a global audience and governmental bodies.
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It’s easier to ignore the reality of rights of Indigenous People, along with the reality of their wisdom, when we can’t even consider the cosmos aside from a technological target for exploitation by wealthy oligarchs. – –BRASÍLIA, Brazil – Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva – known as Lula da Silva or simply Lula – recognized six new Indigenous reserves last Friday, April 28, 2023. including an enormous region of the Amazon territory. The new declarations come after a lengthy halt to such Indigenous territory expansion under his far-right presidential predecessor Jair Bolsonaro.
The new declarations are part of his campaign pledge to defend the rights of Brazil’s Indigenous peoples by demarcating their lands. Bolsonaro had encouraged widespread development throughout the Amazon and turned a blind eye to attacks on Indigenous communities and land grabs of Indigenous lands. Bolsonaro specifically promised to resist land demarcation that would secure Indigenous territory and also removed many environmental protections while encouraging the development of the land by agribusiness.
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Prepare to be amazed. –Glorian is a non-profit charitable organization helping humanity find the practical method to conquer the causes of suffering.
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Religion and physics must be one and the same. Before anyone dismisses this idea, she/he must better explain existence. On levels beyond the ability of human beings to absorb is sound (music) and color. Bees can see colors that human beings can’t detect. Dogs hear sounds inaudible to the human ear.
Human chauvinism seems to need technology to consider inter-stellar travel. This seems to require reliance on the corruptible material world.
Dedicated Buddhists of Aeons ago, through meditation, intuited quantum physics. What’s up with that?
A different way to express the same intuition can be found in Ouspensky. — —
The Fourth Way provides a path to wisdom and enlightenment for ‘householders’, ordinary people living in the world today. It is also known as ‘the Way of Understanding’.
This householder’s way has existed since time immemorial. G.I. Gurdjieff conceived the title ‘Fourth Way’, for the fragmentary assemblage of previously unknown teachings that he brought to the West in the early 20th century – but he never claimed to have invented the Way itself.
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As one who would be perfectly contented to retain the Senate if they adhered to Oaths of Office more than to Citizens United campaign donations, one is interested in a topic raised as to the reason we maintain the US Senate—-