Popularity can obscure criminal behavior. Criminal behavior presumes exploitation of human resources (people) and natural resources (environment) for profit.
As young Americans consider the “world being left to them by their elders”, one looks forward to genuine changes in lifestyle they will make in order to take responsibility — —
“While generally overlooked in our pursuit of technological solutions to climate change, failing to shift the lifestyles of nearly eight billion human beings means we can never effectively reduce GHG emissions or successfully address our global climate crisis. This becomes especially complex, considering that the most impoverished populations will need to consume more, in order to achieve basic levels of wellbeing.”
This report will likely be controversial in the United States, where even the Secretary of Energy doesn’t believe that personal actions make much difference. But as Akenji notes:
“Talking about lifestyle changes is a hot-potato issue to policymakers who are afraid to threaten the lifestyles of voters. This report brings a science based approach and shows that without addressing lifestyles we will not be able to address climate change.”
–end of treehugger info–
Many people recognize that technology won’t solve the problem created by technology. –What happened???——-end of facebook info–
Ability for the public to express ideas was again hosted on C-Span today, at—–
- 8:50AM EDT
Washington Journal: Mark Hugo Lopez Discusses Role of Latino Voters in U.S. Politics - 9:19AM EDT
Washington Journal: Greg Miller Discusses the Pandora Papers
—–end of C-Span info–
8:20AM–caller–paraphrase–Red states use an inordinate amount of Federal funding to balance their state budget as they pretend to superiority over Blue states pertaining to budgeting.
(This seems too hypocritical and obvious to ignore)
9:20AM—caller–paraphrase–As a Cuban American with dual citizenship in the USA and Cuba, the right to vote in both nations results in a vote cast for socialists in the USA and capitalists in Cuba due to a wish to balance the systems that are askew in each. Our 3 Cuban-American representatives were not born in Cuba but use their identity in election campaigns.
(In FACT use of identity to win elections has reached the level of being ludicrous. Unprincipled characters devoid of policy ideas run for public office on a platform of national, racial, or gender identity. But even worse, the US electorate vote on identity rather than character, honesty and policy. In FACT, our state-run-corporate-owned MSM has openly decided we must vote on personality rather than policy. That our government is corrupt and non-functional isn’t a surprise.)——The U.S. attitude toward the new revolutionary government soon changed from cautiously suspicious to downright hostile. After Castro nationalized American-owned property, allied himself with the Communist Party and grew friendlier with the Soviet Union, America’s Cold War enemy, the U.S severed diplomatic and economic ties with Cuba and enacted a trade and travel embargo that remains in effect, although some restriction were loosened under the Obama administration. In April 1961, the U.S. launched the Bay of Pigs invasion, an unsuccessful attempt to remove Castro from power. Subsequent covert operations to overthrow Castro, born August 13, 1926, failed and he went on to become one of the world’s longest-ruling heads of state. Fulgencio Batista died in Spain at age 72 on August 6, 1973. In late July 2006, an unwell Fidel Castro temporarily ceded power to his younger brother Raul. Fidel Castro officially stepped down in February 2008; he died on November 25, 2016. –end of history info–
In the USA in 2021 we are living the reality of “running government like a business” which is organized crime. Cuba experienced the same style of governance pre-Castro, and the result was a revolution—– —You write, “It is impossible to tell the story of the Havana Mob without also chronicling the rise of Castro.” How closely were the two linked?They weren’t directly linked. Castro was produced by many social conditions that existed in Cuba. But I think the mob became a symbol for the revolution of exploitation by outside forces, particularly the United States. Part of the narrative of the revolution was that the island was not able to control its own destiny and that all of the most valuable commodities were owned by corporations from the United States. In the eyes of Castro, the mob, the U.S. government, and U.S. corporations were all partners in the exploitation of Cuba.Havana also became a destination for junkets, where politicians could do things they couldn’t in the United States.
–end of smithsonianmag info– –When Fidel Castro, his brother Raul, Che Guevara and 79 other Cuban rebels piled into the 43-foot yacht Granma on November 25, 1956, there was no indication it would transform geopolitics in the Western Hemisphere for decades, or that it would lead to the end of the Mob’s reign in Cuba.–end of themobmuseium info–
“The mob” presumably didn’t function from South America, but rather from the USA. If Castro could identify organized crime, why cannot American politicians?
The suggestion may be valid that the same big-money influence from outside of Cuba is unfolding as considered from the Pandora Papers, in which big-money outside interests are discernible in the USA. This isn’t healthy for principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.
The Cuban-born caller to C-Span expressed interest in the use of identity to win elections based on decidedly cloudy understanding by American voters of history. But this ignorance isn’t limited to Cuban-Americans. One doesn’t believe anyone would knowingly vote in favor of corruption and organized crime due to a perky personality.
“Running government like a business” on a continuum is organized crime. —A FIVE-DAY COURSE of molnupiravir, the new medicine being hailed as a “huge advance” in the treatment of Covid-19, costs $17.74 to produce, according to a report issued last week by drug pricing experts at the Harvard School of Public Health and King’s College Hospital in London. Merck is charging the U.S. government $712 for the same amount of medicine, or 40 times the price.–end of theintercept info–
A 1-payer comprehensive public health care policy would better address anomalies in rationing and cost, but politicians may receive less in Citizens United campaign funding.
Use of identity politics to sway votes in favor of policies that are not helpful to voters should be discussed. — #Afghanistan#MilitaryIndustryComplex#Money
Thought Biden Couldn’t Sink Any Lower?? THINK AGAIN!!