Some corporate-owned-state-run MSM views are heard to call lifestyle with consideration of inflicting as little harm on the environment and each other is “Pollyanna-ish”. This is an extraordinarily violent perspective. Yet we seem sufficiently indoctrinated with hierarchical violence to submit to this mindset. A thoughtful person simply cannot accept this aggression and violence as being normal. This view is surely a choice, but a very bad choice.
I’ve read that in the religion called Jain, the followers refrain from drinking water at night because they might inadvertently swallow a bug, and therefore harm the bug. This surely isn’t workable one will admit; but neither is the opposite of unbridled violence at which too many of us find ourselves. And congratulations to Jains if they can carry this off.
This is a reason to consider a thoughtful middle way. We aren’t there currently.
C-Span offered discussions relevant to the present day. — MARCH 13, 2022 | PART OF WASHINGTON JOURNAL 03/13/2022
Washington Journal
Ian Johnson on the Russia-China Alliance
China expert Ian Johnson from the Council on Foreign Relations discusses China and Russia’s growing alliance and what it means for the Russia-Ukraine conflict and relations with the West.–end of c-span info–11:28AM–guest–paraphrase–responding to US corporate sell out of the USA, it is the function of corporations to profit rather than to look out for US political interests.
Several thoughts about the above view—*The original intention for corporations in the USA was to serve the public, with this assumption based on the reality of Corporate Charter Revocation that once applied by which local communities could revoke the charter of a corporation that was a bad influence*TPP was a trade agreement including language that prioritized interests of multi-national corporations over human and environmental rights, and is promoted by hierarchical Establishment*Corporate-run-state-owned MSM collusion indoctrinates the public in any way they see fit. The USA has no functional Free Press.*Citizens United seems to legal corruption of money in politics. Is there a word to define legalized corruption?*ALEC, Chamber of Commerce, etc., are organizations in which big-money campaign donors, commercial interests, and politicians collude to craft policy and laws
Explanations similar to that of Kamala Harris when asked about rising prices and inflation seems ludicrous but the epitome of this system. In FACT I don’t believe Ms Harris remembered the question by the time she got her eyes focused. I could be wrong, but regardless her answer didn’t in any way relate to the question.
No comment really needed about the following other than we need to reassess our electoral choices—- –This is real. Unedited. Actually happened.–end of twitter info–
Judging by the quality of the answer from Ms. Harris, a closer investigation into collusion between some of the hierarchy of the Ukraine and some of the hierarchy of the USA seems valid—- –According to the article, the U.S. government has worked with 26 facilities in Ukraine and has provided direct material support to six of them.–end of mronline info–
Capitalism like communism is hierarchical. To deny the requirement for supremacy in either system is the beginning to misunderstand the threats we face. –After all, in the months leading to the war, it rejected a very reasonable solution that was open to it: Austrian-type neutrality for Ukraine. Even worse, only a few days before the invasion, Ukraine’s president declared that if Ukraine is not admitted to NATO, he would consider pulling out of the 1994 Budapest memorandum, by which Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons. One is hard pressed to imagine a statement better designed to stoke Moscow’s already intense security concerns. And Putin mentioned it in his speech on the eve of the war: “Now they are also claiming the right to own nuclear weapons. We will not allow them to do this.”Russia’s war is most fundamentally about these security concerns, and not about Putin’s purported nostalgia for the USSR or for the Russian empire or any desire to defend the linguistic and cultural rights of Ukraine’s large Russophone population, rights that are shockingly violated by the regime in Kiev, which is only marginally more democratic than Moscow’s. The present conflict is definitely not a confrontation between a democracy and an authoritarian regime, as portrayed by NATO’s politicians and our servile media.–end of bullet info–
Listening to Joe Biden refer to “Putin’s oil price hike”, one refers to the following— –Its simple people: Look it up. Barrel of oil June 2008 was $126 and a gallon of gas was $4.11 per gallon. Now a barrel of oil is $106 while a gallon of gas is at $6.02 per gallon. Do you understand we are being robbed in front of our eyes?
–end of twitter info–
To cling to old thinking won’t solve the problems created by the thinking of the past. Kamala Harris in the exchange above is a caricature of the bait-and-switch required to maintain the obsolete system of the past. A new mindset is required immediately—- –Still, the West, led by the American Empire, is in marked decline. Western chauvinism increasingly offers few fringe benefits for workers or oppressed peoples. In fact, chauvinism is tearing the West apart at the seams as sections of the ruling class compete for ideological supremacy at the expense of the people and the planet. Western chauvinism is effective for waging war, but it utterly fails to bring about stability. The importance, then, of opposing Western chauvinism and developing a peace movement rooted in solidarity has never been greater amid a Western-led New Cold War that is leading humanity into hot conflicts such as Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.–end of popularresistance info–
From commondreams– –The government of Saudi Arabia has executed 81 people—including seven Yemenis and a Syrian national—over the past 24 hours in what is believed to be the largest mass execution in the kingdom’s history.”[British] Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due to visit Saudi Arabia soon, to beg for Saudi oil to replace Russian gas,” Reprieve continued. “We cannot show our revulsion for Putin’s atrocities by rewarding those of the Crown Prince. Johnson must speak up and condemn these killings.”–end of commondreams info–
The following link seems to suggest a plan for local-community life where long-distance vehicle trips are reduced along with retrofitting buildings for solar energy and wind energy. The solution cannot be to accept Climate Change. Humanity has the ability to imagine different and better lifestyles. By the way, shouldn’t a lifestyle that doesn’t kill people and promote Climate Change seem simply sane? Doesn’t promoting lifestyle that kills people and promotes Climate Change sound inane? Maybe we should ask our Representatives of The People these questions.
Retrofitting to maintain our current lifestyles is simply too expensive to meet the challenge. We need to recognize the problems and deal directly with them. — — *A Tesla owner blew up his car with 30 kilograms of dynamite after the company told him the cost of replacing the battery was $22,000.* Damn…..–end of twitter info–
Is life as we live it really so special. Here’s a result of corporate power that dictates our lifestyle—- —
Lee Camp [Redacted]@LeeCamp · 17hMy TV show Redacted Tonight has been deleted from @YouTube. So, even if you hate everything I ever said, are we all cool with this? Big tech deletes anything that goes against the corporate state. Does that sound fine? Or has America become the monster it claims to fight against?–end of twitter info–
As one who is old enough to remember when television shows were free, except the price of watching irritating commercials, people tolerated the corporate commercials because the commercials paid for the shows. Now everyone pays exorbitant prices to watch television, and still get the corporate commercials. Something went wrong along the way.
In Upstate NY, Senator Schumer seems obsessive with the 5G network build out that has health implications for people and nature. Yet Upstate NY is plagued with power-grid outages far too often, as we mimic a 3rd-world nation pertaining to outages. In other words, politicians are useless for We The People, when those politicians are bought into public office by campaign donations from big-money interests byway of Citizens United.
Retrofitting of homes and local-community business funded by the government would be a good way for the USA to invest taxpayer money rather than to wage wars in foreign nations. And this would surely be better in addressing Climate Change.
C-Span offered a discussion about fear of nuclear war— MARCH 13, 2022 | PART OF WASHINGTON JOURNAL 03/13/2022
Washington Journal
Spencer Weart on His Book, The Rise in Nuclear Fear
Spencer Weart, a science historian and the author of The Rise of Nuclear Fear talked about the history of nuclear anxiety in the United States.–end of c-span info–
Fear about nuclear war is valid; but no less so than the fear of interference with bees. Yet people respond differently. Why?
“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live.”
— Albert Einstein
Balance is important. After 7 decades of life, one’s view may be different from those with a decade and a half of life. Surely life has been lived and passions satisfied and tempered. But with 7 decades of life lived, the future is less threatening as it should be for those with a decade and a half under their belts. It’s about balance.
Satisfied passions that harm others and nature are superficial and brief. Real satisfaction may be closer than we think. —‘Charles Friday, #Ojibwe#Anishinaabe-Aki Gete-niimikaage. Old style dancing. It brings me so much joy to let loose my energy to the songs of our ppl… song about where we’re fr, Rainy Lake Ojibwe…'(FB VID: Museum of #Indigenous Ppl. Mar 11, 2022. #FirstNations–end of twitter info–
———————–We can do better———-