This is an election run by middlemen to elect middlemen to how best exploit the public.
Unless voter suppression is a reality, logically we would have ranked-choice voting—https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-referendums-elections-maine-courts-b5ddd0854037e9687e952cd79e1526df–This is a powerful moment for ranked choice voting supporters: Voters will, for the first time, use ranked choice voting to elect the highest office in the country,” said Rob Richie, president and CEO of FairVote, which advocates for the voting reform.
–end of apnews info–
Lies that “we are a 2-Party system”, and the “2-Parties” are each branch of the Democratic/Republican duopoly, both of which are owned by big-money interest, has insured legislation that has transferred the wealth of the nation from the 100% to the 1%.
Regenerative agriculture is as old as dirt—https://www.ecowatch.com/regenerative-agriculture-climate-action-2647844026.html?mc_cid=47f8edb3b8&mc_eid=d4966762a5–“Humans broke the planet with grave agricultural malpractice,” Tom Newmark, chairman of The Carbon Underground and a contributor to the research, said in a statement. “With this white paper, Rodale Institute shows us how regenerative agriculture has the potential to repair that damage and actually reverse some of the threatening impacts of our climate crisis.””This is a compelling call to action!” he added.Released by the Rodale Institute and entitled Regenerative Agriculture and the Soil Carbon Solution, the white paper discusses how a transformation of current widespread agricultural practices—which now contribute indirectly and directly to the climate crisis—”can be rolled out tomorrow providing multiple benefits beyond climate stabilization.””Regenerative agriculture, as the researchers describe, represents “a system of farming principles that rehabilitates the entire ecosystem and enhances natural resources, rather than depleting them.”
–end of ecowatch info–
Many people didn’t need an institution to release a paper about ages-old food growth for personal survival. —https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1Wtt4_1Jlk—
Start a FARM in your BACKYARD | Small Scale Regenerative Farming with Nature’s Always Right
The tragedy of the USA is the successful aggression from middlemen who have dictated to We The People, what our lifestyle will be, and in doing so, have made the public beholden to those middlemen.
The notion of ranked-choice voting precisely challenges the authoritarian system of middlemen that has been a large part of the undemocratic (small d) capitalism that is “running government like a business”.
Consider the phrase from the ecowatch link “Regenerative agriculture, as the researchers describe,” seems an interesting phrasing of information that is well-known by those people who may be diminished in gravitas precisely by a middleman culture that occupies lifestyle for profit. In fact, local communities have been sufficiently informed and competent over millennia—https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6Epyj4oOaY——Permaculture, Justice and Resilience: What Comes After? | A Free Webinar with Starhawk & Friends
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YYZTw_xBBs—–Tabor Tilth: Permaculture in the City
Our Eastern European family in Upstate NY took overwintering for granted—-https://sustainableamerica.org/blog/overwintering-your-produce-can-provide-you-with-fresh-veggies-year-round/–The majority of gardeners only plant in the spring, but by incorporating a few overwintering techniques and planting specific varieties of vegetables, it’s possible to grow and enjoy food almost year round.–end of sustainableamerica info–
An artificial system imposed by middlemen for profiteering has proven to be extremely unstable during Covid-19. As middlemen try to convince the public for the need to continue without pause, the lifestyle that produces profit for said middlemen, Covid-19 highlights the reason the public would be safer having retained intrinsic autonomy that seems the property of We The People.
CLovid019 underscores the class disparities in France, as is exposed in the USA—https://socialistproject.ca/2020/09/covid19-and-class-struggle-in-france/
–Capitalism is about the middleman, who functions influentially as hierarchy. The US Supreme Court has assisted corruption in politics via Citizens United, that ensures that middlemen are permitted to buy politicians into office. The connection is evident at www.alec.org, where commercial interests and lawmakers collaborate in an ostensible 3-men-in-a-room style. Lawmakers have provided laws that legalize without legitimizing our Pyramid Scheme ecnomy.
“A slap in everybody else’s face”: In 2018, Skaneateles town officials raised the property tax assessment on Destiny USA partner Bruce Kenan’s two lakefront mansions to $7 million. Kenan went to court and argued that was too high, that they really should be valued at $2.7 million. They settled somewhere in the middle: $4.7 million. Less than a year later, Kenan put the properties up for sale … for $8.4 million.
–end of syracuse info–
During the Presidential election campaign season, misogyny has been used as a tool to divide and conquer We The People, into voting for either branch of the Republican/Democratic duopoly. This is a strategy to stir emotion among voters, by political hacks. One will find such political middlemen on cable channel MSM, running their advertising. They know sex sells. What they seem unconcerned with is the effect of real-time misogyny on the victims. Death in such cases happen too often, but imagine, if you can, the torment that is typical in such households, that haven’t ended in death. Consider that glib campaign strategy is making light of extremely dangerous situations, or at the least, quality of life that replicates purgatory. And by the way, one has heard far too many of self-labeled ministers so campaigning for their office-holder choice. This is nothing short of diabolical—-https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2020/09/lizzie-garrow-was-trying-leave-abusive-marriage-when-she-was-killed-family-says.html?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Good%20Morning%20CNY%209-29-20&utm_term=Newsletter_good_morning_cny
In a sane society, misogyny would not be used as campaign strategy, but would be challenged as sub-human perspective. One will make the point that capitalism uses sex to sell, perpetrating stereotypes that end in unimaginable harm. Capitalism uses patriarchy which is a form of Supremacy, usually but not always White.
Women are still a mystery in a society obsessed with patriarchy. Received from wildhunt—Relax and absorb—- http://www.riseupandcallhername.com/https://wildhunt.org/2020/09/pagan-community-notes-canadian-heathen-becomes-interim-party-leader-a-new-exhibit-at-buckland-museum-and-elizabeth-fisher-crosses-the-veil.html?utm_source=Wild+Hunt+Subscribers&utm_campaign=99ef5c08aa-DAILY_RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_684818cea6-99ef5c08aa-238028410—-What if what we are missing is exactly that which is being censored by capitalistic hierarchical Establishment.
This comports well with capitalism that buys into public office, politicians who pass laws to transfer wealth from the 100% to the 1%, siting the example of the Skaneateles property, that illustrates one such method.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PR94A5dR5E—Howie Hawkins Interview
Legislation rewarded location of commercial interests in NYS, with a 10-year tax holiday. Corporations took advantage of this law, and then moved out of state after 10 years. —https://www.bizjournals.com/albany/news/2018/02/20/state-senate-calls-for-shut-down-of-start-up-ny.htmlWhile justification includes the jobs made available to NYS workers, a system such as eco-socialism would accomplish the same, without placing the profits and rewards in the hands of non-workers.——-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9sHX7aFwvs&t=504s—–Howie Hawkins: Ecosocialism vs. Capitalist Exterminism
Questions have arisen about Trump’s taxes. Several thoughts—*If Trump has been using illegal tactics, law enforcement should have addressed this matter before Trump reached the Presidency. Trump has been a bad joke in NYS for decades*Democrats decry the system used by Trump, that the Democratic/Republican duopoly set in place legislatively, by embracing the lie that “our system is capitalism”….it is not…..our system is a democratic (small d) Constitutional republic*These examples (Trump and Skaneateles) don’t reflect equal justice under the law, but they are the law…..ask your lawmaker the justification…..
Before casting a vote for the Biden who passed the laws to create our system, or Trump who played by Biden’s rules, learn precisely what our laws are. By the way, institutions of higher learning are specifically teaching advisers into how best to transfer the wealth of the nation from the 100% to the 1%. Trump’s own words express surprise that the IRS would so easily hand the cash of We The People, over to him. Need one expound?
If one listens to Howie Hawkins, you may extract from his thoughts, a change away from greed and exploitation of workers, that has been the theme of capitalism. Incorporation of lifestyle and protection of nature doesn’t preclude commercial pursuit. Hawkins’ ideas are expansive enough for reality.
I won’t waste my vote on Biden or Trump. Now is the time for reality over Show.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9yt4IL6Rpo——–Ask Howie & Angela #25
Voting is an action of conscience.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQRggiBA3ys—-Green Party Rally in Albany, NY featuring Howie Hawkins
Demand inclusion in debates of 3rd-Party Presidential candidates such as Howie Hawkins of the Green Party, in order to understand the difference between value and price. You will hear a politician running for public office who has a strong grasp on reality, and policies that are in keeping with requirements of We The People, in Howie Hawkins—
A vote for Green Party Presidential candidate Howie Hawkins is to ensure that you honor your own voice—-https://www.c-span.org/video/?473680-3/washington-journal-howie-hawkins-discusses-green-party-platform—
Green Party Candidate Howie Hawkins on Campaign 2020
Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins discusses his 2020 campaign for the White House.—end of c-span interview with Howie Hawkins—- Howie Hawkins expresses the view that Democratic voters or Republican voters will not propel the Green Party, but rather the enormous number of disenfranchised voters who never make it to the polls, in abject disgust of the system of exclusion and lies……………………last 10 words not Hawkins’ …(paraphrase0
Republicans | Independents | Democrats | |
% | % | % | |
2020 Feb 17-28 | 30 | 39 | 29 |
2020 Feb 3-16 | 33 | 39 | 26 |
2020 Jan 16-29 | 30 | 42 | 27 |
2020 Jan 2-15 | 27 | 45 | 27 |
—-end of party affiliation info—-
And many of the most non-Establishment voters are in the Green Party.
**************************************As a Green Party registered voter routinely, one re-registers every 4 years into the Democratic Party to be able to cast a vote in the Democratic Primary for Bernie Sanders. One is positive one is not alone in doing so.Lost in the fog of political corruption over several decades, is the fact that the Presidential debates were once in the capable hands of the League of Women Voters—-https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press-releases/league-refuses-help-perpetrate-fraud—-Most objectionable to the League, Neuman said, were conditions in the agreement that gave the campaigns unprecedented control over the proceedings. Neuman called “outrageous” the campaigns’ demands that they control the selection of questioners, the composition of the audience, hall access for the press and other issues.”The campaigns’ agreement is a closed-door masterpiece,” Neuman said. “Never in the history of the League of Women Voters have two candidates’ organizations come to us with such stringent, unyielding and self-serving demands.”Neuman said she and the League regretted that the American people have had no real opportunities to judge the presidential nominees outside of campaign-controlled environments.—-end of lwv info—In other words, (paraphrase) patriarchy says, “we’ll handle it from here, little ladies”—https://straty.com/controlling-outcomes-controlling-table-stakes/—After studying the election process in 1985, the bipartisan National Commission on Elections recommended “turning over the sponsorship of Presidential debates to the two major parties”. The CPD was established in 1987 by the chairmen of the Democratic and Republican Parties to “take control of the Presidential debates”. The commission was staffed by members from the two parties and chaired by the heads of the Democratic and Republican parties… (wikipedia)
—end of straty info—https://www.debates.org/—The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) was established in 1987 to ensure, for the benefit of the American electorate, that general election debates between or among the leading candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States are a permanent part of the electoral process. CPD’s primary purpose is to sponsor and produce the quadrennial general election debates and to undertake research and educational activities relating to the debates. The organization, which is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) corporation, sponsored all of the presidential debates in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016
—end of debates info—The Commission on Presidential Debates, replacing the League of Women Voters, controls who can debate and on which topics. They call this educating the public, others may see this as brainwashing. The CPD would profit by hearing from We The People, as to concerns about censorship. The censorship seems to have become so blatant, that petitions to the CPD have reached into the hundreds of thousands. PETITION—–https://www.change.org/p/commission-on-presidential-debates-get-joe-rogan-to-moderate-the-2020-presidential-election/u/25040294——–Thank you all for continuing to share and support this petition. Within the last couple of days, I have composed and sent an e-mail to the Commission on Presidential Debates. The message reads as follows:—-end of change.org info—https://www.debates.org/about-cpd/commission-leadership/—
Commission Leadership
Co-ChairsFrank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr.
Dorothy S. Ridings
Kenneth WollackHonorary Co-ChairsGerald R. Ford*
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan*
George W. Bush
Barack ObamaCo-Chair EmeritusPaul G. Kirk, Jr.Board of DirectorsJohn C. Danforth
Charles Gibson
John GriffenYvonne Hao
Jane Harman
Antonia Hernandez
Reverend John I. JenkinsNewton N. Minow
Richard D. Parsons
Olympia SnoweExecutive DirectorJanet H. Brown* Deceased© COPYRIGHT 2020 THE COMMI—end of debates so-called leadership—-This also filters out any other than Democratic Establishment and Republican Establishment views. This means We The People have nothing to say in our own governance.Consider the large number of voters who do not embrace the policies of either of the Democratic Establishment or Republican Establishment, and the fact that the Democratic Establishment and Republican Establishment have swindled the American electorate out of unbiased information directly from possible Presidential choices; often outside of the Capitalist Party D&R. Since these disgusting events in the ’80’s, state-run/corporate-owned MSM has consistently indoctrinated We The People into accepting the falsehood that “we are a 2-Party system”. This has had the effect of rending illegitimate, the deeply legitimate tradition of free, clean, and fair elections.
In other words, politicians are now choosing their voters, rather than voters choosing their politicians.
Acting on the human frailty of ignorance combined with arrogance, and using as an example the Democratic Establishment, one recognizes what is called a Democratic Base that believes in their right to dictate to others, their voting choices. —–https://www.haudenosauneeconfederacy.com/influence-on-democracy/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pIDtvTydkU&t=638s
In Solidarity With People And Nature —
www.facebook.com/gpnjbc ;; — Green Black Caucus
A Resource — www.7song.com
Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Start a FARM in your BACKYARD | Small Scale Regenerative Farming with Nature’s Always RightStart a FARM in your BACKYARD | Small Scale Regenerative Farming with Nature’s Always RightPreview YouTube video Permaculture, Justice and Resilience: What Comes After? | A Free Webinar with Starhawk & FriendsPermaculture, Justice and Resilience: What Comes After? | A Free Webinar with Starhawk & FriendsPreview YouTube video Tabor Tilth: Permaculture in the CityTabor Tilth: Permaculture in the CityPreview YouTube video Howie Hawkins InterviewHowie Hawkins InterviewPreview YouTube video Howie Hawkins: Ecosocialism vs. Capitalist ExterminismHowie Hawkins: Ecosocialism vs. Capitalist ExterminismPreview YouTube video Ask Howie & Angela #25Ask Howie & Angela #25Preview YouTube video Green Party Rally in Albany, NY featuring Howie HawkinsGreen Party Rally in Albany, NY featuring Howie HawkinsPreview YouTube video Winona LaDuke Calls for Indigenous-Led “Green New Deal” as She Fights Minnesota Pipeline ExpansionWinona LaDuke Calls for Indigenous-Led “Green New Deal” as She Fights Minnesota Pipeline Expansion