Meritocracy has insultingly been held up as the system of the USA by Democratic strategists. Possibly the FACTS of that system are only poorly understood by those promoting it. –Harrison was the state party chairman in South Carolina before taking over as head of the national DNC organization. A former corporate lobbyist and U.S. Senate candidate, Harrison was Biden’s choice to lead the national party.–end of moguldom info–Suspicion toward the Democratic Establishment is founded upon such FACTS as choosing a lobbyist to be the head of the DNC. For those outside of the Republican/Democratic duopoly, the control by political Parties of elections that should be controlled by the electorate, is further exacerbated by tolerance of corruption.
When a politician’s power is on the proverbial auction block, the electorate would be dull to ignore the results.
The call-in topic on C-Span this morning was about mental health in the USA and unusually troubling rates of drug abuse and suicide. One is old enough to recall the same in the communistic USSR. One is unaware whether modern-day Russians are better off after denouncing communism; but the USA seems to have predictably copied the woes of communism in our modern-day capitalism. Communism and capitalism are opposite sides of the same coin of hierarchy, privilege, and greed. Good-cop-bad-cop is also played out in the Republican/Democratic duopoly that is equally authoritarian.
Citizens United and fascism seem apt companions— –Nevertheless, numerous corporations that publicly declare their commitment to women’s equality and voting rights donated large sums to the RSLC in 2021. The information was buried in a 10,055 page PDF that the RSLC filed with the IRS on Monday. –end of popular info–
Fascism seems identifiable in many American foibles—- —
New Gates Foundation Trustee Led Plot To Overthrow Zimbabwean Leader
America Is Reaping What It Sowed In Ukraine
Bringing Degrowth And Commoning To Fashion
A Jail Tested Ivermectin ‘Treatment’ On Detainees Without Consent
US Approves Massive Arms Sale To Egypt
Press Stunned As Ukraine Leader Points Finger At West–end of popularresistance info– —100 U.S. Organizations Release Statement Urging Biden “to End the U.S. Role in Escalating” the Ukraine CrisisMore than 100 national and regional U.S. organizations released a joint statement Tuesday urging President Biden “to end the U.S. role in escalating the extremely dangerous tensions with Russia over Ukraine.” The groups said “it is gravely irresponsible for the president to participate in brinkmanship between two nations that possess 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons.”The statement warned that the current crisis “could easily spiral out of control to the point of pushing the world to the precipice of nuclear war.”–end of veteransforpeace info–
Before threatening sanctions toward Russia, the USA may wish to consider sanctions from China on the USA, with computer chips as an example. American politicians have undermined national security, in one person’s view, with a combination of imperialism, globalism, disregard for US local communities, fealty to commercial interests, and inane trade agreements such as TPP. –In refusing to acknowledge Russia’s concerns about U.S. and Western intervention on its borders, the Biden administration is engaging in hypocrisy. The philosopher Hannah Arendt called hypocrisy the “vice of vices.” Lying to others is part of the political game, but the United States is lying to itself in denying that it committed to limit NATO’s role in East Europe. Putin is asking for written guarantees regarding NATO membership because we betrayed the verbal guarantees that President George H.W. Bush and Secretary of State James Baker gave to their counterparts, Mikhail Gorbachev and Eduard Shevardnadze, respectively. We need to recognize our role in the Ukraine crisis; Russian President Vladimir is not the sole cause of a crisis that could have horrific consequences.–end of counterpunch info–
We could try reality instead— —
New Proof Universal Basic Income Works
–end of radindie info– –The hearing for the Nuchatlaht title case is set to begin on March 14 and last for several weeks. The next few months are a critical time to support the Nuchatlaht. Together, let’s raise the profile of this issue and demand the BC government cease its efforts to block Indigenous land rights!
–end of wildernesscommittee info——–Voice your view, if you wish—
The barbarity and violence may permit us to presume superiority to bygone times so we don’t notice our own — –Omg this is so cute. If you want to be happy just click and watch this amazing video. Cows and pigs play ball together in the sanctuary and they are so happy with that. Do you see any different between them and your dog ? #vegan–end of twitter info– —
REMINDER: Protecting Waters of the Earth Webinar at 7 pm CT USA, Wed, Feb 2, 2022 Many manufacturing and agricultural practices, especially animal confinement, degrade water quality. Colonialism intensifies disputes over withdrawal of water from the Blue Nile. Hydro-power from dams intensifies climate change, undermines habitat, and poisons animal and human life. Over- fishing by rich nations in waters of poor nations increases impoverishment while stealing food from those most in need. Deep sea mining compromises aquatic ecosystems and risks disturbing the world’s largest carbon sink. Yet, water conflicts can evaporate if humanity reduces extraction and shares resources to ensure all a good quality of life. |
–end of gatewaygreens info–
A 1-payer comprehensive public health care policy is crucial for the USA—–#Coverage4All legislation has been voted out of the Senate Health Committee!Last week, the Assembly also voted in support to expand health care coverage to NYers, regardless of immigration status.Up next: Include in the state budget. TY @NYSenatorRivera for leading the vote!
#coverage4all #coberturaparatodos #c4a #mrny #thenyic #essentialplan4all—–end of health care info–
Received from lakotalaw –Hello again, and thank you so much for all the encouraging messages I’ve received from Lakota Law supporters! As I shared with you previously, my road hasn’t been easy. Going from being a single teen mom with major life challenges, through Lakota Law’s Standing Rock foster home, and now to college — all while committing to sobriety and working with Child Protective Services (CPS) to get my little boy back — it’s a lot. But your support, both of the foster home and of me, personally, has given me a real opportunity. I have many caring people on my side, and I can do this!That’s why it’s important for me to start giving back. When I achieve my dream of becoming a lawyer, I’ll give back directly to my community, every single day, just as you have supported me during my recent journey to sobriety and college. Today, I hope we can participate together in this spirit of giving on behalf of other young people who need support. If you can, please make a donation from your heart to keep Lakota Law’s Native-run foster home strong. It provided the safe space I needed to turn my life around, and I know it can do the same for more kids at Standing Rock.I’m grateful to be here to talk about what life looks like for teens on the reservation and honestly share my own struggles with you. Like me, many of my relatives and classmates battle with addiction. Alcohol, meth, and pills are all way too easy to find in my community. The foster home and the teen center are super important, because they give us a healthy alternative to the streets. Staying at the foster home set me up to succeed. I just got my first “A” at United Tribes Technical College, and I just tested clean again. These may seem like small things, but both are significant steps along the path to reaching my goals.My journey has required real sacrifice. Coming to college meant moving away from my comfort zone, and I had to say goodbye for a time to family and friends, some of whom are wrapped up in drugs and alcohol. I love them, but I also have to love myself. I’m here to set an example for the people back home that anyone can get sober, anyone can live a better life, and we can be who we want to be. Now, thanks to your support of the foster home, I’m on my way!Wopila tanka — thank you for helping to make my dream possible!
Emerald Little Dog
Via the Lakota People’s Law Project–end of lakotalaw info–