The good hold days were preferable for some people, and nostalgic for some youngsters who didn’t live them.
Washington Journal
Ingrid Jacques on Campaign 2024
Ingrid Jacques talked about the debate between President Biden and former President Trump and other political news of the day.
–end of Ingridjacques info—-
A primary benefit of a C-Span listener-call-in segment is one gets to hear views from people with experience, as compared to self-defined experts.
An example is a comparison of the curious views from Ingrid Jacques and a caller who requested more coverage of the 2025 Project supported by The Heritage Foundation.Project 2025
It’s past time to lay the groundwork for a White House more friendly to the right.
–end of 2025 info–
One knows little about this erudite and biased report except byway of rumor. The caller, however, seemed informed due to looking into the actual policies by this MAGA-supporting Heritage Foundation. The caller said that on page 451, policy is stated as requiring wives to return to abusive husbands (one presumes the same would be true in reverse), but the wording inferred that single mothers raising children and accepting help from the government byway of economics, would be required to return to the sanctity of their marriage, in order that the children have the benefit of a male and female under their same roof. If the woman refused,her children would be confiscated by the state and put up for adoption.
One wonders how Ingrid Jacques would respond to discussion about this policy, under which this liberated lady has never labored, while she presumes to speak to issues that were routine within the memories of so many women, and about which the pain and suffering of such women are the shoulders upon which she stands and opines nonsense.
Within one’s own experience, after an explosive and destructive domestic violence event from one’s husband, the NYS Troopers informed upon demand of arrest of the predator, that “this is a personal matter”.
One believes that a reason for the Feminist Movement of the ’70’s, may very well be the Vietnamese War, into which perfectly normal young men were drafted and trained to violence, aggression and death. Those returning home after such training bear the double tragedy of being held accountable for the quasi-genocidal treatment of Vietnam innocent citizens, or Vietnam citizens protecting their homes, and also the decidedly uncomfortable training into death, aggression, and violence; often buoyed by substance abuse. This is the opinion of one who had a front-row seat.
Many women raised through the ’50’s into patriarchy, expected and were denied the promise with which young girls were raised.
So keep in mind when MAGA speaks, this is an America back to which we will return. Get ready, young ladies, you will be surprised. You’ve seen nothing yet.
One supports neither Trump or Biden, and is still pondering whether to vote for Cornel West or Jill Stein. The entirety of the Green Party policies best suit me, but Cornel West seems as acceptable.
But it isn’t only the Presidential election that matters. Your Congressional Representative is deeply involved in passing laws under which We The People labor, such as the precious “return the ladies to the ’50’s” campaign as described by the C-Span caller.
NYS Rep Molinaro is playing well, the MAGA policy of proposing the most offensive laws that seem to restrict human and natural rights, and then nimbly skipping back to populist policies and co-mingling with left leaning local leaders. Camouflage is too cute, but is used by politicians to a confounding extent. This feels like one form of lying.
To what one alludes is the NYS Rep. Molinaro proposed legislation to label as antisemitic, peaceful protesters who speak out against the genocidal Israeli government. Several problems with this—
*Is the next step to label as anti-American, those with criticism of the US government?
*This implies that Jewish students who stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their fellow Palestinian students, in protest of war and genocide, would be so labeled as antisemitic
*All ready, Free Speech is curbed by ability to treat as terrorists, those who are labeled as antisemitic, at the whim of law enforcement and politicians
*This currently raises the question as to just who are the terrorists
Be careful in your electoral choices locally as much as for President.