Tag: wealth
An argument heard from too many politicians seems to reflect a fear of change. Away from what comes with change? So far we have wealth inequality protected by law rather than free market principles, political Parties that protect themselves rather than principles of the US Constitution, a judicial system that ensures it is better to be rich and guilty than poor and innocent, Climate Change, and imperialism, to name a few of the changes politicians fear to challenge. We also have the propaganda that capitalism is synonymous with democracy, which it is not. Voices other than supporters of this system are censored. Censorship is associated more with hierarchy than with democracy. So let’s consider change.
To begin with, a nation cognizant of education about FACTual history to our children continues to tolerate history written by the winners, rather than according to events and impact. We also continue to kowtow to “running government like a business” rather than according to principles of a democratic (small d) Constitutional republic. We also seem to prioritize a ROR in the markets over a healthy environment. The kids are becoming miffed, but cling to business as usual. Isn’t this strange?